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For the last few months the Patreon total has been playing games with me. On the last day of the month we'd look to be well over the $540 needed to get all the usual artwork done PLUS the Discretionary Goal - only for the payout on the 5th of the following month to end up well below that (due to fees+drop-outs/fraud).

This month I just checked the total that is pending payout and it looks like we are at $544.88! Woohoo!

I know we've seen requests for Wishr artwork in the Discord so I'm considering that for the first round of Discretionary Art.

After that we'll see what tickles the fancy.



The actual payout was $543.93...so somehow even more money got taken out between my Patreon dashboard and my account, but still over $540!

Ano Nymous

Still grats :)