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Julie was certain about one thing, her entrance to the class would be quite dramatic. She would undoubtedly be noticed by every member of the student body - each one of them noticing her student body. 

A red blushed warmed her. Julie was second guessing if she was prepared for what was waiting for her beyond that waiting door. What kind of stares would there be? Disgust? Envy? Hatred? Lust? What she had feared most was to get to class after the lecture had already started. She’d be an unwanted moment of distraction, one that Julie had always disliked being but now she’d be waltzing in with four tits jiggling around her. Would she be able to stay focused throughout the lecture? Would she get into trouble with Dr. Karina? 

She’d passed by three classrooms and with just two more to go and Julie had to get her head in the game. She decided to take more calm and relaxed long strides, which slowed her down despite the longer step. Her heels clacked on the marble tiles. She took deep breaths, unable to ignore the rising and falling of her boobs. Stepping through the door looking troubled and anxious would only sharpen any barbs waiting for her.

If the class was full and the lecture had not begun, then Julie could steal the moment, make a dramatic entrance and feel fine at the end of the day. 

Julie reminded herself what she wanted. Why she had sought out the Wishr app and brought all these changes upon her body. She wanted a break from the whole underdog treatment; to proclaim that she wasn’t just a nobody to be walked over or ignored. She wanted people to respect the choices she made, even if they hadn’t gone as expected. Her classmates would know and understand that this was how she’d decided to live her life. 

The essence of the whole new sexy Julie was not, as Helia had put it, to encourage the ants, but send a message to everyone around her that they would have to deal with her the way she wanted. People would need to learn to respect other people's choice of becoming anything they chose to be. 

That was the message she intended to convey with her new body and outfit, but a cold doubt struck Julie reminding her the she was not in control of how that message was interpreted. All she could do was present herself before the class that was already waiting. If she showed herself as a coward, doubting any of her choices for even a moment, then she would be sending the wrong message.

Finally, she approached the door to her class. She stopped, took a deep breath, calmed herself down and walked in with her natural catwalk.

“Wow! Someone say hello to the new girl!”

The exclamation, from whom Julia hadn’t the time to discern, had caught everyone in the room off guard.

This got the whole class, which nearly filled the lecture hall, casting their eyes on Julie. She could not hold back a surprised pause, what nearly looked like a four breasted deer in stripper boots caught in headlights. No one had ever seen Julie like this. Here was the shy and reserved Julie, practiced introvert, strutting and bouncing into class. Even without the exclamation she had never appeared as noticeable as she did today.

Julie stood motionless at the entrance looking from one face to the other as if searching for a particular person. Maybe she could discern who had shouted? Suddenly Julie realized no one had prompted her to sit down, and a glance to the podium revealed that Dr. Karina was late and had not arrived yet. Not everything about her entrance had gone wrong.

Trying to regain her composure Julie made her way up the low steps towards a section of empty seats. Her bright red latex boots stretched out before her with each rise of her leg, the lights glinting off the material. Julie could feel the weight of her breasts bobbing and bouncing with reach rise of her body, knocking her top around her torso.

As she went Julie could not help but overhear hushed comments.

“Woah! That’s more like it girlfriend.”

“Yeah, I’ve always known you had it in you.”

“You rock babe.”

Julie’s face beamed with smiles as she felt a warm aura in the classroom. Perhaps she could hear a few lewd or negative words, but Julie could keep herself focused on the quiet compliments. It wasn’t a bad welcome after all. 

She moved towards a classmate she’d traded notations with now and then, Daphne. There was a seat open next to the slim brunette and Julie grabbed it. She paused a moment, considering how she would sit. The seat was affixed to the floor, but could rotate. Julie spun the back of the chair towards the aisle and stepped around it. She put her ass down and the chair immediately tried to swing straight. Julie caught her heal against the desk support, stopping her body but sending her busts swinging left and right. After a moment she was able to spin herself forward, locking her knee against a crossbar so she’d remain facing forward. She could feel the edge of the chair back pushing against her rear right breast, probably giving it a very bulged look to anyone behind her. But she couldn't do anything about that.

Situated finally Julie now realized Daphne was holding in a quiet giggle. Julie felt a burn of embarrassment start to well up, but it stopped as she considered her truly absurd predicament. She put her chin down, looked to Daphne, and smiled out a small laugh. Now with Julie’s blessing Daphne released her restrained giggle, and the two shared an honest moment.

“So, you found that Wishr app thing?” Daphne asked, gently placing a hand on Julie’s arm.

“Yeah,” Julie replied.

“I need to find that…” Daphne sighed.

“It has its...perks…” Julie laughed, motioning to her impossibly round tits.

“I’ve got to try them...IT!” Daphne put her hand to her mouth, her light complexion blushing.

Julie didn’t know how to react. The slip had caught her off guard. Julie had not considered Daphne in that way before, but now...

“Hello class, I appreciate that you waited, I apologize for my tardiness, it will not effect when you are dismissed.” Dr. Karina announced as she walked into the room. All eyes turned to the professor as she flipped on projectors and plugged a memory stick into the computer system. Today she was going to be a talk about the spinal cord.

Dr. Karina had a good sense of humor and tended to know at least half of her class, a quality her students admired and that made class enjoyable. As usual, once everything was ready, she went on with her interactive method of teaching; asking her students questions and entertaining questions from them.

As Dr. Karina carried on something wasn’t feeling right for Julie. She felt distracted, and couldn't focus as she used to. Her eagerness to answer the questions was conspicuously missing. She found herself looking around. Each time she looked to a new spot in the room she would find at least two eyes staring at her, and some would even wink at her. She had returned some with a smile, some were ignored, and others she gave such an absurdly big grin to that it discouraged them from daring another look at her. 

Julie’s attention wasn’t just divided between the ongoing lecture and the many leering distractions beckoning her. Now was the time her pussy tongue had decided to resume maintenance. Because of how she had to keep pressure with her legs against the desk supports Julie's thighs were pushed tightly together. Her lower tongue was not letting this stop it, gradually pushing past her labia and extending out at a maddeningly slow pace.

What had before taken erotically charged moments for her new tongue to do was now a slow sexual caress. In long belabored licks Julie felt her hair-dissolving juices spreading across her groin. She wanted to squirm, she wanted to loosen but the vice grip of her thighs, but each time she shifted to do either the spring of her seat started to swing her around. Julie could only sit as still as she could, her body growing hot and horny as the slow swipes spread across her nethers. She wanted to concentrate on what Dr. Karina was saying, but with the looks and sensations she was getting that wasn’t possible. Julie’s mind was filled with the feedback of her new form.

It certainly wasn’t how she intended the class to go, at least not with a complete lack of attention. She’d need to find a way to get back into the usual rhythm of class and retain that part of the Julie she had always been. She couldn’t believe that the same environment could have such a different atmosphere.

I need to get my mind back on track before Dr. Karina notices! Julie desperately reminded herself. Perhaps if she answered an easy question, or asked one that didn’t give the impression she was lost, that would relieve the chance of being called on out of the blue, possibly lost to what the question was about. Julie was certain she needed to rise above her distractions and do something. She threw her hand in the air and held it up until Dr. Karina noticed her. And noticed her she did.

“My my, Julie Saunders, were you reborn?” Dr. Karina pulled the thick rimmed glasses down her nose and looked over them up at her student. Julie stared back down at Dr. Karina. The professor was probably in her high 40s, Julie guessed. She was dressed in a tight white button-up blouse that hugged her generous curves. Julie blushed when she realized from her angle she could see a fair amount of the skin of Dr. Karina’s impressive cleavage. The professor continued on, ignorant or not of Julie’s view. 

“I'll save the questions about the new look until after class, right now let's just stay on topic. So what is it you have to know about biology that couldn't wait until my next full stop?”

Julie found that she wasn’t quite prepared with a question. There was also the distraction of her lower tongue slowly slipping back into her sopping slip. When it did not push out again Julie let out a small sigh of relief. The pure terror of facing Dr. Karina unprepared had done an excellent job of squelching her horniness...but if she kept staring at those breasts within that blouse...

She needed to ask a question! In an attempt to stall Julie stood up, her chair back swinging straight and making a clacking clatter as it met its limits. Julie, Daphne, and those around her jumped at the startling sound, and Julie’s busts wiggled from the sudden motion.

As she stood Julie found herself trying hard to ignore the many eyes she had once again drawn to herself. She looked to Daphne who gave her a smile in support...as well as a glance to Julie’s jiggling bits.

“Uh, well, ma’am, I read...about...the science of chiropractics and...didn't understand what the writer was saying, I was wondering if you could help me clarify on how the nerves are related to diseases and infections of the entire human body." The latter half of the sentence had fallen from Julie’s mouth in one feverish moment of inspiration.

“Now that’s some dire question you've asked young lady. Welcome back to the class, Julie,” Dr. Karina said with a smile, while at the same time making it clear she had noticed Julie’s earlier lack of attention.

As Dr. Karina began her explanation Julie reached back, pushed around the chair’s back, and resumed sitting. Dr. Karina gave her a few explanations that addressed the question and the continued with her lesson plan.

With her tongue still and her mind snapped out of its self-centered stupor Julie was able to resume her usual focus in the class, despite the lingering stares and whispers. 

As much as she disliked the feeling she could again be so easily distracted, Julie couldn't deny that she loved the attention she was getting. Now that she’d worked through the newness of it, Julie smiled at the sense of so many eyes glancing at her.

Especially the two to her side. Daphne seemed to be as distracted by Julie’s body as she was by it herself. Julie let herself look her classmate up and down a little; a t-shirt held in breasts just large enough to fill her palms. Worn jeans encased thin legs. Daphne’s dark hair was as light and wispy as her body, the opposite color of her fair skin.

Before long class was over. Julie held the back of her chair and careful stood up, letting the back slowly rotate into place. But as she put her full weight on her feet Julie felt the material around them contract. The arch pushed her heel up further and stretched her soles farther. Her boots had changed again.

Looking down around the side of her forward bust as best she could Julie saw that she now had a wide five-inch heel. It stretched down from a pink cheetah spot pattern that stretched up to her knees. A thick lace criss-crossed the front of them, from the top of her foot up to the top of the boot. The heel was higher than before, but at least it was wider.

Daphne had followed Julie’s look down her body and went wide-eyed at the pair of boots that had certainly not been on Julie when she entered class. But she said nothing, instead following Julie as she began her descent down from the seats. Daphne found she couldn’t look away from the wobbling tits that pointed back at her.

As Julie took the last step onto the classroom floor she saw Dr. Karina motion for her. Julie steeled herself and joined the professor at the podium.

Rather than asking Julie about what she had done to herself Dr. Karina took a different tack. 

“It is good to try new things, explore new experiences, and even reinvent yourself,” Dr. Karina stated matter-of-factly, casually waving a hand towards Julie that easily encompassed both her physical alterations and out-of-character outfit, “...but be careful not to let those deter you from your true goals, or suffocate your true identity.”

“I...thank you, ma’am, I’ll keep that in mind,” Julie replied. It was a sentence that...didn’t mean much. Only Julie could ever really know who she wanted to be, and why couldn’t she change paths? As Dr. Karina smiled and walked away, certain of the wisdom bomb she had just delivered, Julie saw that Daphne was waiting for her. Julie felt herself get a little wetter. Not from anything touching her altered body, but just from the thought of someone touching it.

It seemed like a good path to follow.

Instead of fighting through the crowd of exiting students, which would only mean more bumps and squeezes to her ring of breasts, Julie waited a moment for the room to clear out some more. As the last few students trickled out Julie stepped beside Daphne, who smiled at her, and the pair walked out together.

There was a moment of quiet as they went down the hallway - not counting the solid clunks of Julie's new thick heels. They entered the elevator and rode down with a few other students. Julie could practically feel the eyes on her, but it was only Daphne’s that interested her. In fact, Julie noticed that all eyes seemed to be only on her. Daphne was practically being ignored - not that the ogling young woman noticed. Julie noted to herself that she should always remember what it felt like to be the one ignored in a room. 

With the elevator ride finished the pair exited out the building and onto the main campus. As they walked into the sunlight Daphne finally spoke up.

"Seems like you’ve got it pretty good...that things turned out well for you," Daphne said with a smile. Her look up and down Julie’s body was not subtle.

“And who said this here was all what I wanted?” Julie asked back, her voice a little quiet, “...or all that’s been done to me.” Julie’s tongue licked up a little pussy drool, although it only accentuated the statement to Julie herself.

"There’s more to you?" Daphne gasped. Then she realized how she had phrased her comment, “Oh, of course there is, I mean-”

"I know, I know, don’t worry about it. In fact, I’d love to...tell you. What are you up to right now?”

Daphne blushed.

“I have a lab I have to go to. I’ll be in it a couple hours.”

“Oh. I have my urban farming club to get to, anyway.”

“What are you doing...for dinner?”

Julie wanted to respond with “You!” but held back - that was much too forward.

“I don’t have any plans. Would you want to meet at Houligan’s?” Julie asked. The mid-tier chain was far enough off campus to keep their evening mostly private, but it was also close to Julie’s apartment.

“Sure. Six?”

“Sounds good, I’ll see you then.”

They both gave a lingering smile before parting ways.

Julie had volunteered for the urban farming club as her way of serving the greater good. Much of its members were down-to-earth people, whose fanciest outfits were new jeans and flannel - good dirt working clothes. Every other time Julie had strolled up to grab a shovel or shears she felt she had fit in fairly well.

But pink cheetah heels were not a good start to her first attendance since using Wishr...at least her skirt was denim. Once again a cold sweat broke across Julie brow, but this time it wasn’t from a fear of being accepted by those she felt were above her - now she didn’t want to be rejected by a group who she had considered equals. 

As she approach the small circle discussing who would be responsible for what today Julie was greeted with surprise. What comments she received were of amazement, of how impressed they were at her courage to not only try the Wishr app but to dress in stride with it. 

Mostly they were just happy that she had still shown up - that she hadn’t abandoned them despite the difficulties she would face in sticking around. Working with her potential balance issues Julie was assigned pruning duty, something she could do standing up and on the slate stepping stones spread throughout the garden. She grabbed some gloves and the sheers and got to work. 

At the end of the session Julie wiped her brow and felt alive; she was grateful for the other members of the club, who had welcomed her changes and worked with her to participate. No one was speaking ill of her look and body as Julie walked away.

In fact, Julie was so pleased with herself that she took the fifteen minutes’ walk back home - a wider heel was certainly helpful, and she had grown more confident and accustomed to her body as they day had gone on. Her strut was confident and perky. Julie revelled in the feeling of her four big bouncing breasts, of the tongue lapping at her thighs. Julie was on a roll, and nothing was going to stop her.

Except for the realization that she didn’t know what she was going to wear to dinner!

to be continued...

Thanks for exploring a day in Julie's life, just getting a little feel of how her new body would impact her normal routine. Next time we get to a sexy encounter and someone uses the Wishr app again! ~dS


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