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by Dan Standing

Jessica stood in front of the fogged bathroom mirror wincing at the squeak from her hand gliding over the reflective glass. With the view of herself cleared of fog from the hot shower she placed her hands to her hips and smiled. The curvy, voluptuous brunette was tempted to mutter “mirror, mirror” as she admired herself. Jessica’s hands gently slid over her large jiggly grapefruits, pushing them together to accentuate their full cleavage.

Her skin was still soft and moist from the shower, and Jessica’s fingers gently slid over her pert and firm nipples, which elicited a soft moan from her full lips. Her fingers began to work on her right teat first, the long elegant digits pinching and rubbing one puffy, full nipple as her other hand traveled slowly beyond her cleavage and down her torso, electricity flowing through every inch of skin Jessica touched straight to the space between her thighs. 

Jessica’s fingers snaked slowly over her flesh until arriving between her legs. Her feet rotated and her thighs opened to allow her access to her swollen clit. Biting her lower lip as she spread her lower lips Jessica began to gently rub her nub, her breathing became heavy as she dexterously worked the engorged bud. She moved her free hand to her other nipple and gently pinched and twisted it. A few more moans escaped her slightly open lips as Jessica slipped her index and middle fingers into a pussy moistened by more than just the shower water, her thumb still rubbing over her clitty.

She began to finger her dripping wet sex without restraint, her entire body undulating along with her growing pleasure. Jessica spread her legs further apart and began to drool her juices onto the floor as she pleasured herself in front of the mirror, lustilly admiring her own perfect body. She was close to getting off but alas it was not to be, not yet at least - the doorbell rang.

Jessica’s eyes fluttered open for a moment. She was so close. She could ignore it, regain her concentration. Jessica only needed a few more - ding dong! Ding dong!

“Shit!” the denied woman sputtered, pulling her hand from her pussy and angrily grabbing the sink with a wet slap. Her concentration and the moment alone with her perfect beauty was ruined. “Who the fuck could that be?” 

Jessica grabbed a fuzzy pink bathrobe and quickly wrapped it around herself before heading to the front door, a towel now wrapped around her hair. Just as she got to the door the bell impatiently rang again. 

“I'm coming,” Jessica muttered with equal impatience, “Well, I almost was…” She opened the door with a sharp pull and saw a short fat man in a plain uniform, holding a box and chewing on a toothpick.

“'Ey there, I got a package for a Ms. Jessica Foxton,” the man said, not sounding particularly interested. “Please sign 'ere,” he continued, holding up a beat-up looking tablet that barely seemed to work. Sloppy though it was, Jessica signed her name and took the box. The man nodded and tried to sneak a look at her cleavage through the top of the robe, as Jessica’s breasts caused the fabric to ease open into a V-shaped plunge.

“Ya have a nice day ma'am,” he smiled, his eyes still glued to Jessica’s chest. She grinned back at him, wiggling for a moment to give him a quick look at how her beautiful bust jiggled, before closing the door right in his face. Smiling at herself for being such a tease Jessica took the box to the kitchen.

On the way to the kitchen Jessica took the towel down from her hair, shaking it out and draping the damp material over the island bar. As she fluffed out her hair Jessica went to a drawer by the sink and pulled out a steak knife. With little struggle she cut the tape along the top of the box and opened  it up, finding a small antique diamond ring within.

One that did not look like the ring Jessica had sent out for cleaning.

Quickly snatching up the ring Jessica examined it. There were still tarnish spots on the silver band, which was coiled and detailed unlike the one Jessica had sent. The stone also had a different cut to it.

“Great fucking job, idiots! Not only did you send back the wrong ring, this one isn’t even cleaned!” Jessica shouted to no one, venting her frustration. She started to walk back to the bedroom to get her phone, and as she did so she absently rubbed the diamond with her thumb. After only three steps towards the door Jessica stopped and looked down at her hand.

The ring was suddenly very warm.

Much to Jessica’s surprise smoke began to ooze out of the hard stone. She dropped the jewelry and stepped back as the ring clattered onto the floor, a billowing pink cloud stretching from the diamond and moving before the startled woman. Slowly the cloud began to form a distinct shape - a distinctly human shape.

Bit by bit the pink mist compacted together, making the outline of a womanly form more and more unmistakable. Shapely mounds of pink flesh grew out of the shapeless smoke, the form undulating in the air as if this was a pleasurable experience.

From the knees up Jessica could see what one might mistake for a woman’s ghost, as she could still see through the apparition before her. And then, with the sound of a loud clap, most of the floating form fully congealed, leaving a solid woman hang in the air - a completely nude woman. Well, mostly nude - certainly naked where it counted - and mostly formed - below her hips her legs gradually lost more and more of their solidity until at the knees her legs completely broke down again from flesh to smoke, which traveled in a thinning tail that ended at the diamond on the floor.

Bronze bracelets clung skin-tight to her wrists, and she also wore a bronze belt around her waist that was equally flush against her pink skin. The belt did not appear to have a function, aside from the triangular design at its front pointing downward and directing attention to the exquisitely trimmed bush above the mound of the pink woman’s sex. Her unusually colored skin had no tan lines or other blemishes.

And her body...

Jessica’s mouth was almost agape as she considered the body that hung in the air before her. It was voluptuous and curvaceous. No woman had the right to such a perfectly curvy body. “Big” was not the right term for her breasts, which also sported the thickest and perkiest nipples Jessica had ever gawked at.

Balancing things were wide hips, and an ass that was just the perfect bubble butt that any man or woman had ever dreamed of. But Jessica didn’t care about asses. Here eyes locked again onto the pink casaba melons and their suckable stems that floated before her, as if in zero gravity.

“Greetings, Mistress. My name is Flatia. I am the djinn of the ring - a djinng if you will - and I am empowered to grant you three wishes. But you must be wise with each wish, my mistress,” she said in a soft submissive voice.

Jessica’s face certainly looked shocked, even a little unnerved by what was before her. But slowly her mind grasped what was indeed real before her.

Hanging before her.

Big and round.

Plump and erect.

A flush of jealousy washed over Jessica as she stared at the perfect breasts mocking her. She had always been proud of her chest, showing it off whenever she could. Jessica loved how her bust could tease men, make women glare with envy...and lust. And every time Jessica saw another woman with tits that outdid hers she would smoulder in dissatisfaction, and wish she had naturally been blessed bigger than they were. 

It did not take long for a greedy grin to grace her face. Any other time Jessica had silently desired someone else’s larger chest there was nothing to be done about it.

But that wasn’t the case with these pink pillows.

“I want tits like yours,” Jessica announced, thinking she was being witty with her first wish. Flatia smiled and waved a single finger.

“You must say that you wish for it.”

The finger waggle brought a flush of anger to Jessica’s face, incencing her as she spoke.

“Fine, I wish my tits would grow to be double what you have! Happy?” Jessica sneered, thinking about how happy she’d be to flout her larger bust in the djinn’s face.

Flatia simply nodded.

“Yes, mistress.”

Without further warning Jessica's breasts began to tingle. They immediately lurched forward an inch, the sudden supernatural surge of sexy stuffing stumbling Jessica forward a step and throwing the bathrobe open. She’d just caught her balance when another inch of influx again pulled at her. Jessica’s center of gravity was changing inch by inch as her breasts billowed out before her.

Jessica stepped backwards and leaned against the kitchen island for support. Her breasts had well surpassed grapefruits for comparison. She watched as her nipples, with similar growth spurts, sprung stiff. They thickened and stretched and strained to grow out further before her.

Deep gasping breaths revealed how much extra weight Jessica was already dealing with upon her ribs. Inch by inch she’d watched her big tits grow into tremendous tits, and in what may have been less than a minute they were now melons of equal size to Flatia’s floating before her.

Taking trembling hands Jessica grabbed the underside of her new bust. She felt a very pleasant feedback flow through her, tickling her tummy and warming her slit. Jessica cooed, but then realized she was only Flatia’s equal.

“Hey, I said I wanted-”

Jessica was interrupted by a similar feeling of sudden growth on her ribs below her enormous mounds. Her body jolted as another bolt occurred, her newly expanded bust popping upwards slightly. Shifting her hands downward Jessica found two fleshy - and sensitive - nubs atop ballooning mounds of jiggling fat.

A few more spurts of warm flesh filled into Jessica’s palms, and the tight balls of sensuality were now lifting her original breasts upwards. In a few seconds Jessica had four pink melons growing from her ribs, the top two forming a deep cleavage as if they were in a push-up bra thanks to the support from the new pair below them.

As four very large breasts tugged Jessica’s upper body forward she looked to Flatia in shock and disbelief.

“No, this isn't what I meant!”

The djinn merely smiled, somehow both sinisterly and adorably.

“I apologize mistress, but I told you to be careful with how you word your wishes. I cannot undo a granted wish,” Flatia was practically giggling as she finished speaking.

“Fuck me...well, I still have two wishes right?” Jessica asked, caution now welling up within her. Flatia noded and Jessica cleared her throat.

“Okay...so...I wish that my body was better...equipped to handle four boobs.”

The djinn smiled again and Jessica felt another tingle beneath her arms. At first her skin felt tight, but then with a wet schlorp! sound Jessica felt a new weight hanging from her rib-cage just below her arms, socketed within her armpits.

A second set of arms and hands and magically split off from her originals, sprouting now out from her body beneath her originals. All four hands now came up before Jessica, and she rolled them about in the air in disbelief as she understood how Flatia had granted her wish.

“Fucking Jesus Christ! Are you fucking kidding me?” Jessica shouted, “You turned me into even more of a freak!”

The djinn grinned wickedly, ready to twist the final wish.

“You still have one last wish mistress...”

Jessica glared at her, the stare so icy it could have frozen the vile being frozen solid.

“You’ll just twist this one around on me, too.”

“I can only grant what you ask for,” replied Flatia, her obvious eagerness to perform her mischief impossible to push down.

“Well, I wish somehow you also had to look upon and live with this burden for the rest of my life, helpless to do anyone else any harm!”

The djinn instantly looked at Jessica, aghast. Every previous mistress had made one last attempt to fix their situation; no one had so directly taken out their frustrations on Flatia like this.

“Nnn...no…nooo!” the djinn screamed, but even as the defiant cry left her mouth things were taking course.

Jessica’s attention was brought to the floor as she heard a clattering, and she saw the ring jittering about on the tiles. Flatia’s smoky tale was still connected to it. With each vibration Jessica could see the ring change a little; the diamond was becoming round and smooth, while the metal ring was flattening into an I shape.

Suddenly the little jewelry leapt from the floor towards Jessica, striking her in the crotch. There was a small pinch within her pussy, which hurt only for a moment. Jessica looked up to see a horrified Flatia trying to swim away from her through the air, but the djinn’s flailing arms could do nothing to move her away from her mistress.

There was a tingling upon Jessica’s mons, but she could not see clearly enough through her dual cleavage to make out what was happening. What Jessica could see was that Flatia’s tale would being shortened and tightened, as if it was a fishing wire being reeled in. And the closer and closer Flatia was pulled to her the further the tingling moved up Jessica; over her belly and approaching the underside of her lower breasts.

Fatia was becoming less and less solid as she got closer to Jessica, and...smaller? Yes, Jessica could see that Flatia was shrinking, which was absolutely confirmed by her bracers and belt slipping through her fuzzing form and clattering to the floor. By the time the djinn’s ass was pushing against her mistress’ dual busts her butt cheeks were less than half the size of any of Jessica’s tits.

“Please no, I didn’t have a choice, don’t…” Flatia had been rambling on and on. Jessica felt the tingling up her doubled cleavage, and watched as Flatia’s arms were pulled backwards. The sensation continued as the djinn’s shrunken hands touched Jessica’s skin above her upper breasts and merged with it, becoming a tattooed image. The transmogrification continued up both limbs to Flatia’s shoulders.

The djinn had become more mist than flesh by now, and her ability to speak had left her. Her breasts merged with Jessica’s skin centered just above Jessica’s own cleavage, and with one last defiant look Flatia’s head and hair become motionless imagery decorating the center of Jessica’s sternum.

Needing a mirror Jessica took a step towards the bathroom. As she moved she noticed two things. One was that her four arms shifted backwards instinctually, helping to balance the increased wobbling weight before her.

The second was that the moment Jessica shifted her thighs she felt a smooth spot of stimulation push directly against her clit. She paused to take a long suck of air and felt her leg hold fast the stimulation atop her nub. Girding herself Jessica quickly moved on to the bathroom, but upon arrival she had to grip the sink with all four hands and completely catch her breath - each step had been another erotic nudge to her nethers.

Needing to know what was happening between her thighs Jessica took a slow step back from the mirror and pushed up on her toes so she could see her crotch. There, just above the bottom frame of the mirror, Jessica could see that the ring had reformed into a bit of jewelry looped cleanly through her cliteral hood, the rounded diamond resting right upon her clit. It wasn’t a bar, but a completed oblong-ring of metal, meaning Jessica was not going to remove it with any ease.

Snaking along out of the upper corner of Jessica’s labia, over her mons, up her belly, and between her breasts was the tattooed design of Flatia’s djinn tail. Much of the flattened being’s lower body was obscured by the four giant breasts she had “gifted” to Jessica, and out of the top cleavage Flatia’s breast appeared.

Flatia’s final expression had not been the one she was frozen with atop Jessica’s bust. The djinn was posed with her lower body slipping down into Jessica’s cleavage, with her arms spread out overtop the left and right sets of breasts as if she was leaning back in a jacuzzi. The djinn’s face was frozen with a delightful smirk, as if she was enjoying her experience.

“Too bad wishes can’t be undone,” Jessica snarked.

Standing and examining her new form the ex-mistress considered that maybe her alterations weren’t quite as bad as she first thought. With a clear view of herself Jessica placed all four of her hands to her hips, adjusting her upper pair to rest forward and the bottom pair to slip backwards practically atop her ass.

Jessica smiled.

The twice-over-curvy, doubly-voluptuous brunette was again tempted to mutter “mirror, mirror” as she admired herself. Jessica’s four hands gently slid up her body, one pair caressing her belly and the other the small of her back as they moved.

Her palms found breasts and nipples much more quickly than ever before, thanks to the size and number of tits adorning her. Twenty fingers played over her quad of enormous jiggly melons, pushing them together to further accentuate their doubly deep cleavage.

Her skin was as soft as ever, moistened and glistening now not from the earlier shower but from the sweat of overheated arousal. Jessica’s fingers gently slid over her four pert and firm nipples. Their increased sensitivity elicited a deep guttural moan from her full lips. Jessica’s fingers began to work on her right teats first, the long elegant digits pinching and rubbing two puffy, full nipples as the lower of her left hands slowly traveled beyond her cleavage and down her torso, electricity flowing through every inch of skin. Jessica’s upper left hand gently massaged in and out of her horizontal cleavages, the pleasures of feeling such impossible flesh making her ministrations all the more erotic.

Jessica’s lower left fingers snaked straight to the space between her thighs. Her feet rotated and her legs opened to allow her access to the swollen clit sitting beneath her new decoration. Biting her lower lip Jessica pushed down atop the dulled diamond, her breathing became heavy and haggard as she worked hard stone against her engorged nub. 

While she played with herself down below her other three hands began shifting back and forth between her four nipples, pinching and twisting each one with gradually increasing intensity. A few more moans escaped her slightly open lips as Jessica slipped her index and middle fingers into her pussy, now drenched by all of the new euphoria her body was providing. Her thumb remained atop the permanent decor rubbing over her clitty.

Finger her moist, wet sex without restraint, Jessica’s entire body was undulating along with her growing pleasure. All four breasts were bouncing and bumping into each other, the space across her ribs unsuited for such large tits. Jessica spread her legs further apart and began to drip her juices onto the floor as she pleasured herself in front of the mirror. She opened her eyes, at first lustilly admiring her newly and strangely perfected body. 

Then she found the flattened eyes of Flatia and stared into them as she came


All four hands flew to the sink and gripped it like vices as Jessica’s muscles froze up as she crested the orgasm. Her pussy sprayed the floor as the multipled woman tried to hold onto her consciousness through the most intense climax she’d ever had.

As Jessica’s body loosened up into her afterglow she took long breaths and pushed out of her face the sweaty strands of hair that had fallen into her vision. She looked at her body, four enormous breasts rising and falling with her panting, four svelte arms holding her up. Jessica thought she looked like an exotic sexual goddess. No one else had tits like hers, or could pleasure herself or another as well as she could now.

“It is indeed too bad wishes can’t be undone,” repeated Jessica, smiling at Flatia and finding herself quite satisfied with the results of Flatia’s perversions. She ran a finger across the image of the djinn, and thought for a moment she could feel the tattoo shudder atop her skin. Considering the sensation a moment Jessica brought up the hand still slick from her own juices and smoothly caressed Flatia’s depressed breasts.

There was unmistakably a shiver through the skin Flatia covered, and a small prickle of orgasmic bliss tickled down within the shadows of Jessica’s plus-shaped cleavage.

“Hmmm,” Jessica giggled, “I’m glad it was good for you, too.”

Pleased by the idea of Flatia being aware and pleasurable while plastered across her chest Jessica giddily bound into her bedroom to see what clothing she could possibly wear out of the apartment. It was time to show off her new body.

A goddess needed to be worshipped, after all.



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