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So I've been shuffling around September and October's art a bit bring some ideas forward and pushing a couple of more challenging pieces back a bit to give myself a little bit more time to develop the art.

This has brought forward the first artwork/animation for what I hope will be a new series of art that I'm calling DARKER. It's both darker in it's colour palette and also it's themes.

Recently I had a comment on my art piece called 'Fresh as a Daisy' where someone said they loved it as both a fetish and a body horror piece. It got me thinking and while I'm not jumping into horror, I'm happy to evolve some of my art into a more bizarre direction away from reality.

I particularly liked some of the suggestions from my patron Exowolf so I will explore those in future and of course I'm happy to hear further suggestions too.

So for the this first piece I'm introducing a new character from the underworld. She's called Abyssia, Hades Angel. She's tall, skinny, long-limbed but with a belly that is probably to big to be supported by her thin frame but of course she's not of this world so anything is possible!

Anyway I'd love to get my patrons' feedback when I send out the links so let me know what you think.

** After 30th September this will be available only as a choice on the Rebirth tier **



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