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Ugh, how many time our chosen hero who is so strong and all are going to be able to avoid getting shrinking down like this, how many hero we did this to him so far? Probably too many to count by now, anyway, as you can see, that little guy there is a chosen hero but somehow too careless enough, he tried to raid the goblin village, thinking this will be easy and all but nope, this goblin here is guarding the village and he can shrink people down, oops… And here we go again, the hero is in an easy size to defeat, use as a pet, toy or even a snack, but what this goblin guard will do? Make your choice, it seems the hero is already giving up here, just do what you want to do…

But to the hero surprised, the goblin is nice enough than that, he told him since the hero is here to fight, he’ll give him a fight and he’s not just going to fight the hero himself, he’s too big compared to the shrunken hero now, it’s not fair, it will be just him toying with the hero if he doing that, so he got another idea for the hero, you see, it happening lately, since the goblin is not a cleanest person the world, he did noticed his dirty body somehow lure some small pests-type monsters in and they just like… Enter the back of the goblin… Yeah, there…

So, if the hero is here looking for a fight, how about doing this instead of destroy the goblin village? How about cleaning his back instead? Oh well, if you say no, I’ll just crush you, I will not take no here so just going in and do your job already! In you go! Don’t mind the smell! Ha!

Oops, now the hero found himself in the rear path of the goblin… So disgusting to be here, as if the view and the smell are not bad enough, the hero noticed lot of pests-type monsters starting to come right at him!

And guess what? Since the hero is in the same size as these monsters, he able to defeating them just fine! Guess if he’s in the matching size, he can do his job well without any issue so the problem he need to working on is to try to avoid getting shrunk, but can he? Well, his job is over, the goblin back is nice and clean, the goblin even nice enough to let the hero go, the hero did do a favor for him anyway, but the goblin will not grow the her back! Enjoy being tiny, okay? LOL! And maybe you can clean my backdoor again sometime, I’ll not take no for answer! LOL!!!

And that is marking the end of the story! Hope you enjoy this little hero story and I’ll see you again real soon!



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