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This kobold have been working for this old wizard wolf for a long time, and the kobold really enjoy himself in his duty, maybe a little too much, maybe he’s some kind of enthusiastic type? Which is fine and all, but recently, the little hub where him and the wizard living got some kind of infestation trouble, as they keep showing up more and more in the hub, not the bug, but the humans, well, maybe you can call them a bug since they’re so small compared to the kobold and the wizard, humans in this world is a small creature, you see?

Anyway, since these humans mostly showing in the wizard’s room and kind of messing with his deck and stuff, it can be dangerous both for the wizard and the humans themselves, better do something fast! Guess it’s time for this kobold to deal with this!

But how to deal with them, you might ask? Well, he can try to use force, or to be precisely speaking, he can just crush them under his feet, but no, that would be too cruel for them, our little kobold is too pure to do such a heartless thing like that, he’s a helpful little guy, you know? Not an evil little bad guy, and to think about it, these humans might come here because they just want to find a place to live… Outside the hub are more dangerous and more scary after all, so, instead of get rid of them, the kobold decided to collect them in to one place, giving them a new place to live, inside this sack, a bit cramp, but the kobold will make sure to taking good care of them all, as a pet, that’s it!

And with that, all humans now all gathering into one sack where the kobold calling the sack a pet bag, a new home for these poor humans, and guess what, since our kobold is a good guy, he loves them all, cares for them all, they’re in his care and he’ll make sure to live up to the expectation! These little guys will be fine in my care, you’ll see! And what the wizard will say about this? Well, he doesn’t mind his kobold having a little pet as long as he still keeping up to his regular job, along with taking care of these humans, that’s it! If not, he might have to force his kobold to throw all of his pet away, which he don’t want to do that, a little too cruel to this pure kobold, that’s it! Oh look! Another one showing up again, you go and get them, my kobold!

And that’s all! I hope you enjoy this and I’ll see you again real soon!



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