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Look like we dealing with tiny village again, but the giant side is not a furry this time, but it’s an Oni, a Japanese ogre, isn’t it nice to see other giant character than a furry, you know, to balance things a bit, anyway, sad to see tiny village become a victim or not? Well, I guess if we making a list of bad thing that can happening in world of my art, is to be born as a tiny villager in a tiny village like this, not a good life, isn’t it? Anyway, enough of that, let’s jump to the story real quick!

Look like this Oni just wandering in the forest with nothing much in his mind but he is lucky enough to found a tiny village there, if he is not lucky, he probably just stepping on it without even noticing, don’t you agreed? LOL!!! Anyway! When he noticed the tiny village, his day starting to becomes better day today, he mocking the tiny people there, saying he can just crush it without any much effort to put in, well, I mean, just one of his toe can crush the whole village just fine, poor tiny village, they must feel so powerless seeing that, but that’s the fate of the tiny village, can you blame them? LOL!!! Wait, what you mean you will blame on me!? No!!! I’m not wrong, they just too small!!!

Oh well, I can be nice for tiny village next time I made a story about it, but for now… Let’s continue! As bad as it is now!

Okay, ahem…! Luckily, as much as this Oni wanting to crush this village, he decided not to do so, is he decided to spare them, is he a good guy? Well, not really, turned out, a tiny village is a popular thing and a lot of people wanting it, they will pay a lot for if needed so instead of crushing it here, the Oni is smart enough to not to do that and decided to put this tiny village on sale instead! Oh no! And now the tiny villagers find themselves in a market where a lot of monsters gathering and looks to me like these people are all interesting to buy them! Oh well, guess it’s too late to protest or something like that now, the only thing left here is to wait and see, and hoping they’ll not ended up with a cruel evil guy or something like that… At least giving them a nice owner, okay?

But that’s not what we are going to learn today, instead, he’ll end it here, you can think of the next part as you see fit! But I hope they’ll get a good owner, you should make a wish for them the same too, or you prefer them getting a cruel owner? Oh well, it’s up to you so don’t worry! Good luck, little village! And I’ll see you guys again next time!



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