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This is another one of transformation theme that I just getting into lately, you remember the last one I showed you, right? The one that is just a temporary transformation but there’s a little rule that the duration will keep getting longer and longer so even it is still a temporary, it still feel like a permanent for the one that got transformed but hey, at least they got a little hope that they’ll reach the day to turn back to normal, right? Anyway, let’s get start with this story!

This one is also simple, you see, the wolf guy here is looking for a job that will earn him enough real quick or he’ll get kicking out of his apartment and he ended up found a flyer that said something about an easy job with a big payment, let’s check it out! And turned out, this tiger is the one who offered the job, he just have a weird side on him, wanting to wear an underwear but not a regular one, it must be someone transformed into an underwear, the feeling of wearing someone that used to be a person but now a mere piece of fabric is so much fun for him, don’t worry, for each day, he’ll pay the volunteer a lot, the longer they staying, the more earn they getting! But he’ll pay them when they turn back, since there’s no point to pay when they are still his underwear anyway, right? Not only that, the volunteer can even choose how many day they’ll stay, the wolf decided to ask for one week stay, seven days payment should be enough for him in a next few months, and he might actually wanting to do it again later, but for now, let’s play it safe and stay one week!

But you should know things are not going to be that easy, turned out, the tiger did not tell the wolf that if he, let’s just say, staining the underwear with his, creamy thing, the duration will extent by two days! Don’t worry, the tiger will pay for the day that got added too, well, but the rule said he’ll pay only when they turning back so… Yeah, if they ever turn back, I don’t think this tiger can control himself long enough to not adding more days on and on… It is a losing deal from the start, just luring people in by their greed, all the tiger needed to do is keep adding day, just more two days, just more two days, just more two days… Poor wolf, he just want to pay his apartment but hey, I guess if he getting a long stay here, he at least got a new place to stay than his apartment, staying as an underwear for this weird tiger, that’s it! LOL!

Oh well! I hope he’ll be fine! Good luck, wolf and the tiger, please let the wolf turn back at least a while, I am sure if you being nice enough, he’ll wanting to come back and be your underwear again, right? And I’ll see you all again real soon, have a good day!
