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Hi everyone,  While I'm still recovering from the flu, I wanted to say thank you so much for all of  your kind wor ds of support while I"m trying to get my strength back.  So today, I wanted to bring to you a throwback audio, which is a special one for me. 

This audio was written by one of my dearest scriptwriter friends, u/JoshJustJoshin He is super talented and when I read this script, there was only one prson I wanted to do this with...Have you guessed???

It's our very own Selene Sloth!   This was my first FF Collab, and I didn't know Selene from a paint can.  I admired her work for so long and Josh's script gave me the courage to reach out and ask her to collaborate.  I'm so glad I did because we are such great friends and currently have like 5 collaborations in the works.  So onto the background.

Synopsis: You and your best friend haven't seen  each other in a few weeks so you go out to find a nice restaurant to  eat at, but you don't want to go to one you always go to. You find a  place which appears to be an Italian restaurant. You've never been there  before, so you both decide to give it a shot. You are seated in the  corner of a beautiful but relatively empty restaurant and are handed  menus by a rather attractive MILF-y waitress.

While scanning the menu, something catches your friend's eye.

I love this audio so much because one, it made feel like I had a place in this community and now I can see how much I've grown with fellow VA friends.  

I hope you enjoy!  I'm off back to resting .  Love you all.


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