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Hello everyone, as my commentors no doubt noticed I haven't been around a lot this week. On Sunday, my wife had a medical emergency and was admitted to the hospital for four days. She is now home and resting comfortably. Tests are ongoing, and we still don't have many answers, but she's safe, and "fine" and that's all I can really ask for. 

Schedule wise, this didn't affect anything, because I'd already had everything scheduled. I did actually burn a touch of my backlog because I didn't get much writing done for obvious reasons. Still, I have about a month of writing to spare on each story above and beyond my Patreon backlog, so I don't foresee any issues, even if things get more complicated.  If I'm going to be gone for longer periods of time, I'll let you know that, too. 

I don't talk about my personal life on this or other platforms, but for something like this, it's hard. Honestly, if the roles had been reversed and I'd been the one getting probed and prodded by doctors I probably would have demanded my Chromebook and kept right on trucking. It's harder when the shoe is on the other foot and its someone you care about.

Given the precarious state of my life as I try to handle visa issues and other things, I feel very grateful to be an excellent health, ever since my back surgery a few years ago. Reminders like this though... it really makes you think. 

On a completely unrelated note, the things I'd planned to share with you this week before all this happened. 

First, my first audiobook has launched. So, if you were waiting to give Broken System a read or have an audible credit with nothing to spend it on, feel free to give it a shot.  

Second, my new story, Brewing Bad will be launching on RR on Monday. The first chapter or two is already up on SH and SB. So, if you happen to see it, feel free to give it a rating and a follow it always helps with launches.  


Riley Cox

Life happens indeed. We wish you well, and hope for your wife’s safe recovery.


Speedy recovery to your wife. There's nothing more important than those who are dear to you. Take your time.