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Though it should be first noted that you are here for one (or more) of my many fine web novels, I have finally self-published my first novel on Amazon, where it is now available for pre-order as an e-book for $5 The paperback will be $15, but it will not be available until the 29th.

I'm pretty excited. It was a long road to get here.

It's a short hard sci-fi novel about a space marine, so it's not a tale for everyone, but if that sounds like something you'd enjoy, you can buy a copy here, though if you have KU, you don't have to. In fact, if you do have KU, please consider going and downloading a copy; it won't cost you anything, but it will count as a sale, which is what I'm looking to generate as I shill myself to my friends and family during the pre-order period to generate some buzz.

I'd hoped to be able to provide some kind of coupon code for patrons, but unlike Smashwords, that's not something Amazon supports. The economics of the who thing is pretty simple. I make about $3.50 whenever someone buys a copy (e-book or paperback), and about a dollar (I think) when someone reads it with Kindle Unlimited.

Paperback: $15 * 60% (my cut) - $5 (print costs)
E-book: $5*70% (my cut)

It works out pretty much the same, but honestly, I'm less interested in making vast sums of money right now (truthfully, I'm really only interested in recouping the $460 I paid to the editor for starters), but every sale I make moves the book up a little higher in Amazon's estimations. The better I can make it do with my existing fans, the more likely strangers are to see it and give it a shot.

That's the theory anyway. I'll let all of you know how it goes in a few months. I honestly don't expect a single book, even a great one to do much. It is my hope that in a few years I'll have a couple dozen for sale though, and a growing readership that might let me pursue writing as a long-term career choice. We will see. That's all pie-in-the-sky just now.

Regardless though, if you're here I want to thank you. It's my web novel readership, and my loyal fans right here that gives me the confidence to take this step. As much as I love writing, I literally could not have gotten this far without you.



Congrats on this milestone!


Congratulations. How author manages to write death after death, all other books and simultaneously pump out more fiction for Amazon is beyond me. Some people struggle to write more then one page, while others seem to be unstoppable writing machines. I guess it's the effort and repetition that counts.


Maybe I should write a post about this sometime, but I used to really struggle. Most of Re-entry was written a few hundred words a day. The first draft took months and months. But you just keep going, and now I write 2,000-4,000 words every day and it's not too hard. It comes down to practice and goals more than talent, in my opinion. I wish younger me had known that.