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I will probably save the more retrospective post for new years, but I just wanted to put it out there that I have now been posting my stories online for a year. Letter of the Law technically started at the end of July, and Tenebroum and Death After Death started in Early September but last August is really when I started writing hard every day behind the scenes.

Back then writing hard meant 1000-1500 words in a day, and now it's more like 3,000, but hey - you practice long enough, you're going to start to get pretty good.

Along the way I've had lots of achievements. I've had my stories pirated and unauthorized text to speech rips throne on Youtube. I even made my own YouTube channel, so, so far it's been a hell of a ride. 

This is what a year's worth of readership growth looks like though. I labored away in obscurity for more than six months, and then suddenly, Tenebroum exploded in popularity. Death After Death is thinking about it now too. We'll see.

Regardless, thank you all, whether you've been on this journey with me for a day or a year. It means a lot to me. This month has been pretty crazy for me in real life, but I'm confident that better days lie ahead. Hopefully you all enjoyed the preview of the story I am launching next month, and if you have any feedback, please be as blunt as you like. The first few chapters can get pretty dark, but that's what you have to do when you want to tell a story about the nature of free will and agency.





Is good to see that everything is going well for you. I wish you the best of luck in all yours projects.