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So as anyone on the discord knows, last week I wasn't around because of a personal emergency. Things are resolved, but if you ask me, the real tragedy is that I wrote less than 8k words last week. Soooo - that's why we make buffers right? To use them? 

So, I'm halfway caught up on comments, and I'm back to the grindstone when it comes to writing.

Despite the fact that Tenebroum is the most popular of my stories, I continue to marvel at Death After Death lately. Last month is had almost 20% growth in followers, and this month looks on track to do the same, which is nice to see. As to why... that's a tougher question to answer. 

The only thing I can think of is that Simon now has hope, and since word of mouth seems to be the primary way people learn about the story that counts for a lot. That's probably the primary thing I learned from Death After Death. Making something depressing is fine... but don't make it depressing for too long, no matter how realistic it might be. 

Personally, I love contrasts, but realism matters less than the author thinks. We will see how well I will remember that lesson in my next story. If anyone has any different opinions on this, I certainly appreciate hearing them. Why do you like Death After Death? What other factors could account for its sudden growth? 



I'm a grimdark fan so i'm ok whit depresing things, but i guess that the casual Reader isnt really into it.


And I get that too. I need a story to have real stakes, and that means some bad things have to happen (or credibly threaten to happen). You'll see in my next one. I haven't given up on my cyberpunk story, or any of the other ones I've mentioned, but I'm currently working on "Broken System" for Patrons to give me some feedback. I expect chapters 2 and 3 to be pretty dark... just not as drawn out as Death After Death. I'm going to try to alternate the good and bad a bit. We will see how it goes.


Well, I'll be waiting to see what happens next, the only thing that I know is the fact that it will be great.