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Okay, so I think in a continuing effort to give my stories a little more visibility I am probably going to save up the extra chapters I write for a few weeks, and then release all of them on one day on RR and SH. That means we will go down to just two new chapters every two weeks for a couple weeks while I save those up though. The primary means on RR is to get on rising stars, which is not a feat I've ever managed to accomplish, but I think one day soon I will post a chapter every few hours to see if I can move that needle a bit.

What does that mean to my loyal Patrons? It means you will probably get two chapters next week, two more after that, and then seven or so in the next burst after that. We'll see. I'll keep you posted when I get more writing done.

My hope (which to this point has not come to pass,) is that that my newest slightly more mainstream idea will catch on and result, not just in having a story that is actually popular, but that extends backwards, and splashes some extra readers on all my other stories.

As things stand now, I'm at:

  • Letter of the Law 21 followers, 9k reads
  • Death After Death 81 followers, 14k reads
  • Tenebroum 260 followers, 34k reads.

So, things are definitely improving as time goes on. In a perfect world, Golemancer would double Tenebroum's numbers in a couple months, we'll see. It would be lovely to get a tenth of the attention of Demon Tree or its ilk, but I'm not sure how realistic that is. It will be the last story I start until I begin working on Incursion for NaNoWriMo, and November is a LONG ways off yet.


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