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This week the weather was nice, so I only wrote about 8,000 words. This is a little less than my average, but mostly that was because I wanted to take advantage of the unseasonal weather to do other things. There's more to life than sitting in front of a keyboard, right? 

I also wanted to get a little space from RR and the other sites I post on just because things seemed to be a bit more negative than usual. For instance, in January Tenebroum's followers surged, but last week growth was close to zero. I think the average is like 2% for me. That ebb and flow is normal I'm sure, but still disheartening sometimes. 

I don't pay for the RR premium, but you can see what I mean with this data from Scribble hub that seems to be similar on this 'views per week' chart. 

Likewise, Letter of the Law (which never sees many readers) is down to 9 reads a week the last two chapters.  In Tenebroum's case I suspect I could triple the view count if I rewrote the whole thing with stat blocks and skills, but I won't because it's not that kind of story (Golemancer on the other hand...) In the latter case though - I have no idea what it is people were enjoying before in LotL that they aren't now. Bad feedback can be depressing, but no feedback at all doesn't give you much to work with. 

That's life though. This isn't a post to try to garner anyone's pity. I'm still very grateful for the readers I have, and I love writing all my stories, even the ones that no one reads. I'm just sharing the downs as well as the ups. That's what I'm supposed to do with this blog, right?

According to my current writing schedule, it looks like I finish:

  • Tenebroum in August (but realistically, this story keeps growing so who knows)
  • Letter of the Law in September
  • Golemancer in October

That's assuming nothing goes wrong in my personal life of course, but I like to have goals. I work better with them, even when I don't always meet them. If I could do all that it would set me up nicely for doing something for NaNo in November, but we will see. I feel like participating in the one last year scorched my brain, and I'm still not done editing it. Slow and steady seems to work much better for me than the high-speed burn that is the writeathon. 


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