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This week has been fairly busy/productive. I finished chapter 36 of Tenebroum, which is ALMOST as cool as chapter 29 was. 37 might be cooler though. We'll see. It has potential. Regardless, this means you will once again get three chapters again next week, bringing the Patreon to 7 chapters ahead of the public.

I've also been making good progress on Golemancer. It's up to chapter 4.5 now, so you will probably see that in a few more weeks. I plan to release the first ten chapters here for feedback, before posting chapter 1 on RR a few weeks later. I'm pretty happy with it but worry it might be a touch too nerdy for a couple different reasons. That you will eventually see.

I've been playing with Wonderdraft since I am in desperate need of an overworld map for Tenebroum, but don't have anything that I'm happy enough with to share yet. hopefully I'll have something for you guys on that front soon.

I've also been dipping my toe into Twine to try to understand it better since I'm in the process of learning html/css. I don't think it's the right medium to gamify a dungeoncore story, sadly, but it might work well for a more narrative focused gamelit, or systems apocalypse project. The idea I was playing with scifi based, so the interface would be like a green screen with scanlines. It would be a text heavy chose your own adventure, but I would include some art in the style of the image below (it's a generic piece of post-apocalyptic AI art that I've done some post processing to.)

It might be a fun project, but it's not a now project, you know?


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