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So, I continue to make progress on all stories and have at least a week buffer across the board again, which is nice, but not as much as I was hoping for. I had a killer headache earlier this week, so that set me back a bit. 

BUT - I have made enough progress to justify a Christmas present to all my readers, so next week there will be 3 chapters of Tenebroum instead of 2. That's because in two weeks I'm going to put out a bonus chapter for everyone, but you will get it first. 

I also used the Patreon funds I received to buy Wonder Draft, because let's face it: Tenebroum has expanded so much that it needs a world map. I hope to post one of those to show off in the next couple weeks too. Eventually I would like to have a series of maps that scale up every 5 chapters or so, that I can go through the previous story and populate so that everyone can get a sense of scale... as well as detailed maps of the evelution of a certain dungeon, but both of those are complex long-term goals. First, I need a world map. 

After Kermit's very good point about how it would read, I have decided how to handle the Lich and I think you'll see hints of how that goes together in the next batch of chapters. 

In terms of Non-Tenebroum news, Death After Death is finally getting close to the end and now that I've updated my outline for Letter of the Law it's over 60% written, so good progress across the board. 


Kermit The Frog

Good news! Also you missed a "d" for funds btw. 🐸


Good catch. It's actually worse than though - somehow, I wrote down the wrong program too. What the hell was I thinking. I picked up Wonder Draft, and it a month or two I will pick up its cousin: Dungeon Draft. Obviously, both will be necessary for this story (but the locations are getting so expansive that a world map beyond the simple sketch I use would be helpful from a writing perspective.)

Kermit The Frog

Makes sense, will help you keep a sense of scale while not going overboard on the distances, I've noticed that happens with other stories.

Kermit The Frog

I kinda compare it to how scale is done in GTAV, obviously the world map is large, but when you look at it getting across the city in 10 minutes is way too small. That's down for gameplay reasons, but if it's emulated in written works then it feels fake.