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Hello everyone. After a few weeks on the road, I am back. I had some things in America that I needed to take care of and took the opportunity to visit a few people I hadn't seen in years. It was nice, except for all the coughing.

I was sick after the first flight, and though that quickly faded into the low-grade allergies of springtime in the desert, after the flight home.... well, I've spent forty out of the last forty-eight hours in bed as something dark and evil (jet lag) combined with the vestiges of illness and did its very best to claim my soul.

Apparently, my body does not like flying anymore. Dare I say, I'm getting too old for this shit.

As a result, I got almost no writing done. Fortunately, your diligent author still has a little bit of back log left to burn. I also had a lot of moments of inspiration for current and future plot arcs; fevers are good for that much at least, so hopefully my trip will make everything else that much weirder.

America was... different. I've been in Germany long enough now that it's a real culture shock at this point. Still, though it was nice to see everyone, I'm glad to be back here at my desk working away.


  • Tenebroum - the editor is done with book 1, so that will likely go up for preorder/stub sometime in early June. I'll keep you posted.

  • Broken System - I am almost done writing book 3. I plan on stopping it here, but the outlines of where I would pick it back up when I decided to write another arc in that universe should be pretty obvious.

  • Brewing Bad - Likewise, Book 1 is only a chapter or two away from completion.

I have no plans to start any new stories until the end of the year. I think with some hard work I might finish 2 of my remaining stories this year, but at least one of them will continue well into 2025. We will see.

Excuse me now whole i go dig through 3 weeks' worth of comments to see what I screwed up.



Hell yea


Also can i get the link to the discord pls?