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That bestial urge he talked about before manifests itself in a way that isn't so bad after all.


In the version of this audio in the player above, the listener character is referred to as "girl", has breasts and a vagina. I've made 7 other versions for different gender identities and anatomies, so find your preferred version here:

If you'd like the listener to be referred to as “girl” and:

  • have breasts and a penis, click here.
  • not have breasts and have a vagina, click here.
  • not have breasts and have a penis, click here.

Or if you'd like the listener to be referred to as “boy” and:

  • have breasts and a vagina, click here.
  • have breasts and a penis, click here.
  • not have breasts and have a vagina, click here.
  • not have breasts and have a penis, click here.

wew, okay! it was kinda hard to keep track of all the different things I needed to edit to make all these versions, so it's possible I made a mistake somewhere. if you find anything misgendering or that refers to a body part the listener shouldn't have in any specific variant, please let me know!!




your voice is well suited for this type of dominant, aggressive tone. more of this in the future, please? 🖤


This is one of my favorite series that you've done, and this audio was a perfect addition to that. The struggles that he's going through, and his passion for us, it's incredible, and you did a spectacular job! The low, gravelly tone of your voice was *chefs kiss* absolutely loved it! We definitely need more dominant aggressive Phas 🤭🥰🥰

Aura Vale

I've never seen a creator so actively and wonderfully pursue body positivity and diversity. As a trans person I do often feel like I slip through the cracks of physical validation in audio erp like this, but you make me feel seen and loved. I am incredibly happy to support you in this endeavor of yours.

Mai Youkai

I really really liked this one so much it's kinda crazy. Really liked the dominance and the low gravel in your voice. Have to agree with comments saying we need more of dominant Phas.


Huge respects on doing all the versions. You're a force for the feel-good and the general-good in equal measure


I have to agree with all that Mimb said above. I'm not trans myself, but I have many friends who are or are on that spectrum of non-binary/gender queer. I think it's so awesome how inclusive you are in your work because I know that many people will be able to find themselves for the first time and that will make them so happy. Thank you so much!


Is it weird that I like that they didn't just have your stereotypical happily ever after? There's still obstacles to overcome, problems to solve, etc. I mean, I know vampires and such aren't real, but it makes the story more realistic to me. Awesome job! I also love the inclusivity on this channel, I know it means a lot to so many people and it's nice to see someone put in that extra effort to make others feel included. I look forward to more audios!


Phas the amount of effort you’ve put in to make trans bodies feel appreciated and loved is incredible. You are genuinely such an angel in the ASMR community 💘 nobody is doing it like you are x


Couldn't have said it any better myself 💛


Oh my, I commented on the last one that our former vampire needed some affection, seems he needed something a bit more than that lmao. I do hope we get to hear more from this story, perhaps our duo finds themselves hunting down the demons mentioned to further the elixir’s progress for one last ditch effort or our vamp guy returns to his old habits of not bathing while trying to move things along to a third iteration and the Hunter gets to act this time as their old role lol. I just really enjoy this story as I’ve commented before. Everyone else has said it but I also give you major props for putting in the work to include trans bodies. I admittedly listen to quite a lot of creators but this is by far the most care and effort I’ve seen! While not applicable to me, I definitely can see you’re doing great things and it’s very appreciated.


Mad respect to you for making all these versions. This was devilishly good. Pretty sure I burned an imprint of my face on a pillow from how much I blushed when you dropped into that growling, aggressive tone. Holy wow! 😳


Um wow, I am nearly speechless! 😳 love this storyline and the aggressive dominance....chefs kiss. This may be my new favorite!

Queen Zelda

*speechless* oh...oh...I... love it *is still blushing* amazingly made!!


love love LOVE this one phas, it's the best one you've put out yet! the aggression in your voice and the slightly predatory vibe is absolutely divine!! you bet i was blushing HARD during this whole audio. i adore your vampire character, more of him in the future pls!!!


ALSO I LOVE AN INCLUSIVE KING thank you so much for putting in all the work to keep this as inclusive and accessible to ppl with different gender identities as possible <3


Ok so I'm loving the storyline of the former vampire/cleric trying to find his place again and the ending scene with dom spin had my subby side pleased as punch. Keep up the good work sir!

Shycotic Bunni

Quite literally going to play this over and over and over again until I can quote the exact script verbatim in my own bedroom ahaaaaah~

Teddy R.

You made my little fragile trans boy heart very happy 😊💗

im a glowstick

i cannot believe you made so many different versions this is the most gender affirming thing i’ve ever experienced. i’m gonna wail

Arya Shepard

This dude is so neat! would love to hear more about him, I love this storyline ❤️


Something in the growl and aggression changed something in me istg ahh!! You just get better with every audio, spectacular job ❣


Fantastic script and voice acting! Though I was hoping since hes no longer infectious, hed finally get to bite her 😖 Such a tease lmao.

Jennifer Robledo

I think that this is my favorite character! And I love that you took the time to make all those versions, you are amazing!


Love this story line! The character arch from hopeful success to being cured, to facing the harsh reality of things not being that easy, is impressive. And what a great new layer to the story that the cure doesn't always work. I can't help but wish that the listener got pregnant, what better way to boost his self-esteem and ego then to find out he's not shooting blanks, his salmon swim upstream just fine. Plus what if their kid inheritance the cure in their DNA that prevents them from being turned into a vampire if they're bitten. That would start a future of no vampires. Just an idea your welcomed to use if you like. Keep up the good work!

L Leven

I just want to voice how grateful I am that you made so many different versions to be inclusive of all anatomies/genders. One of my biggest pet peeves is being taken out of a scene because my anatomy doesn't match what's being voiced or the pronouns are different than what I use, so having so much flexibility is super nice to see and honestly makes you unique compared to other asmr creators I've seen. You've made this trans man very happy :))

Alice Lace

Oh heavens that ticked ALL the right boxes 🫣💙


Need more of this. I love everything about this one ❤️

The Mighty Goat

!! o//v//o good lord I don't think an audio has EVER made me blush that much...


This is the most beautiful, inclusive audio I’ve heard. Thank you, dearest Phasmid 💚


I just adore this character. So much depth to him!

Lizzy Gaunt

Phew! This was 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥! So hot! I love the vampire series!

Anastasia Morris

You know what, I thought the werewolf guy was just peaches...but this one was the sweetest in the most delicious way


OH MY GOD MY SWEET LOVELY BABY EX-VAMPIRE I LOVE YOU SO MUCH AND WANT TO HOLD U SO BAD :((( 💖💖 (and god he sounds divine when he cums so bonus points there 😵‍💫😵‍💫)

Echo Miko

When he called me his pretty little cumslut I just 🥺💜


I *love* this whole arc 🫣😍




This series is my most fav 🫠

LadyLucidity ASMR

Still my all time favorite. Everytime i listen to this series i just melt. 😍🫠