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Everything in your relationship seems perfect - except the distance. One night, on a call, he impulsively buys plane tickets, and before you know it you're finally seeing each other in-person for the first time.


here's early access to my next cute thing. i like this topic a lot. i'm surprised it took me this long to do it. i hope you like it too, even though it's kinda bittersweet in a way. and yes, this will defo have a patreon-exclusive conclusion (and probably some sequels!)

phas 💖




This was unbelievably adorable and so heartwarming. Just what I needed today! Thank you as always! 😊


okay i got it. you can make me sob in 3 minutes. thank you


Ah.... I can't! 😭❤️


Omg that was so sweet!!! I cant wait for additional parts, but even just this was great.


As someone who is in this kind of long distance relationship and has made the same impulsive plane ticket purchase, this was a very sweet audio! I was getting really nostalgic way of my first trip listening to it (even the “I didn’t bring a gift - I know your gift is me being here but I also should have brought something right?”). Same worries and everything, too real. Thanks for the audio as always!