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I'm just asking out of curiosity. This totally isn't anything to do with my next audio. (It actually is.)

I loved the games, and am really enjoying the TV show. The casting choices are spectacular. Pedro...

What do you all think of it?



wow, the results are rather unexpected. i thought i was the only one who missed the entire thing. what are you guys watching/playing then????


Alas, I am a weenie when it comes to things I know will make me cry plus not a fan of zombies. Would still listen to the audio if not too much context is needed tho!


The Last of Us is two really great video games (among the best of all time) and, now, an ongoing TV series adaptation, which is also shockingly good. TV or film adaptations of games are rarely good, The Last of Us' TV adaptation has been brilliant so far. Perhaps the audio I make will whet your appetite for it!