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Hey everyone!

My current patreon is completing 1 year this month since the last change I've made. Thank you everyone who supported me through all this time despite some hickups. I wished I could finish that comic this year, but I don't think it's gonna be possible since I really don't feel like "crunching" on it to finish it before December. 

I've decided that it might be better if I took a slower approach when making comics instead of trying to finish them as fast as I can, like work on 2 comics simultaniously but make like, 1 page of each comic per month. That way I hope to have enough room to work on some small stuff for me and work on some other projects, one of which I hope to get started around the beginning of next year is a little 2D platformer, but pretty soon, by that I mean this month, I'll begin drawing some concept arts starting by the main character (only character so far I have a better idea to how I want him to look).

Also take a look at the painting I'm working on:

It's gonna take a little while to finish, underwater city~


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