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I hope everyone is doing alright, sorry for going quiet in the past few days, I've been trying to finish the rewards and comic pages as quick as I could. I can probably finish the Lucky Scratch comic before December, considering that the next pages don't have a lot of panels, once it's done I'm gonna take a vacation a 2 months vacation, December and January, and then I'll get to work on my next short comic, the Youkais and Ronins.

In the mean time, I'll be making some random drawings involving my characters and the last 2 drawings from that last poll I've made about my characters, I already did the 2 refs, 4 animated pixel art (2 of each character) now there is just 2 drawings of them that I'll do on vacation. Beyond these drawings I'll still be drawing and animating, some stuff I'll post here, some not, I may open some art poll. Maybe I'll make some art for the tiers banners, but probably I'll get to it once I'm back, I just won't touch bigger projects and rewards until I'm back.

I've been thinking what to do after both comics are finished. I've been thinking about another comic*, but I'm thinking about leaning more into pixel art and animations, to hone up my skills on it and I want at some point later next year, start messing around with game dev tools, like GameMaker or RPGMaker.

* It's not really a comic in a traditional sense, it's more of a sequence of pics in the VHS style, so it looks like scenes taken from a TV show

Also a little reminder, that the 1 month window I gave to request your reward on the  old system has close on the 5th of this month, and the new model is already counting.

I hope y'all have a great weekend, cheers~


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