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I feel just changing my patreon's profile to state what my goals are here isn't enough as I've said in my last journal post. 

So after looking through some other artists with patreon and seeing how they were running theirs, I think I found one that would fit much better with how I wanted to work here, which is to not rely so much on giving are to people. Instead of trying to deliver everyone's reward monthly, of as for right now, only making them on the weekend and taking as they come, I'm thinking now about making it more a "milestone type" reward, where after a certain ammount pledged you can make a request and the longer you pledge, you can get different types of art, for example: For the amount you've pledged, you can get a sketch with background and 2 more characters, but if you're patient, you can get a painting out of it.

This way I think, requests won't pile on like if I were to deliver them monthly, nor I would get requested back to back and having to work on a request every weekend. I would have more than enough room to work on my projects and also take some time to chill.

As for the rewards I'm working right now don't worry, until they are done I'm making them as usual during the weekends, but by the end of this month I won't be making them like this anymore. For those who have request in the waiting, I'm gonna get to it until then just wait, or if you wanted to change your idea just send me a DM, and for those who haven't requests already, now is ur chance!

Anyway, I want to see what you guys think, I'll make another post explaining a bit more detailed how this new type of reward will work.

Stay safe everyone.



Wait and see in my case, I'd say. Milestone rewards is a good idea in theory, but I've seen it taken too far in practice.