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Wanted to draw this guy I had in mind for quite a while!

I'm still working on his backstory, but he is a scientist from the field of robotics, so good that he designed a fully functional synthetic body after many years studying and in partnership with the best medical institutes in his country. 

After years of study and working with creation of prosthetics limbs and tissues, he decided to start make experiment on himself, with the goal to replace his body that he considered "weak and ill" and turn it into something unstoppable. After years where he slowly replaced parts of his body with mechanical parts, the experiment was somewhat successful, his brain was the only part left and he didn't wanted to mess with, but despite his success, he has some feelings of regret of doing this, recognizing that his body, despite not being very strong, was the best way to experience life. He still modifying and creating features on his body trying to re-create that feeling as much as possible.



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