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Hey there folks, I've been thinking looking at the current state of things here in my patreon, what I do and the things I'm offering and I'm seeing, like in previous attempts using patreon, I'm over stretching myself by trying to offer more stuff than I'm capable of and that at the end progress on anything just slows down to a crawl. I'm making a comic, making art polls, offering rewards and from time to time I need to take commissions.

I'm thinking about changing the rewards next month. Instead of giving drawings, I'm thinking about dividing each tier has a different type of polls, like one poll I make sketches, other I make flats and other I make paintings, and not only that I would increase the discount percentage (thinking about doubling) if anyone here is interested in buying commissions. The idea was so I can maybe reward as a group, because giving art I would basically be stuck the whole month just giving people art, without much room to work on anything else.

That's the idea for now, but I'm open for sugestions of how to improve my patreon, you can leave a comment under this post or you can send me a DM to talk about it, feel free to ask if you have any doubts, I may take some time to awnser, but every week I'm here to check messages and give updates.



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