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Hello dear patrons,
here comes the third weekly warmup sketches batch of March and 3 fullcolor sketches rewards for the high tier patrons.

Higher resolution versions are now available in the .zip folder links previously sent through  private message (please let me know if you have any issue with the  reception)

The online public release is set for over a month later mostly on Twitter.

***IMPORTANT NOTICE: unfortunately my anxiety levels kept going up and down this week and is currently at a distressing peak. Had some unexpected problems happening one after another again and I'm not in control of the latest and most serious one. I'm not elaborating on it because it may hopefully get resolved soon but all I can say is that a lot is at stake. Fortunately, I had enough foresight to prepare and complete the weekly rewards. I'll make sure to keep you updated.***

Stay safe everyone.




I hope whatever is wrong is resolved successfully for you. nice art as always!


If there's anyway at all I can help just let me know, old friend!


Stay strong NT! I'm sure it'll all be just fine in the end, you got this!


We all <3 you!! Mental health is just as important as any other health issue. If you had a broken leg, nobody would be mad if you said "im not running a marathon today". Don't over exert yourself - pace yourself and remember that you are a super rad person and we support you!!


Thank you Richard. I hope that whatever the outcome, I will manage to finish the ongoing animation this month.