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Hello dear patrons,
I'm back and while I still deal with ups and downs, I'm willing to be active on Patreon and make some more artworks for as long as I can!

Patrons eligible for some high tier rewards (starting from $10 tier) should have received a message regarding the subject, please let me know if any of you didn't yet.

As written in the presentation page, my intention is to produce one polished artwork featuring  several characters in a fleshed out background and weekly sketches batches as warmups through the month.  I may be capable of more if at 100% of my abilities but my ongoing recovery and the current Patreon earnings don't allow me to get too cocky with my productivity. I honestly can't be working  fulltime on Patreon  like I used to for the past 3 years. I'm sorry to be at this point.

Anyway, I'm considering doing one group picture for this month but I'm not really sure about what subject, so I'm going to let you decide through this poll!
(I know doing polls isn't mentionned in the rewards tiers but I think I may do it sometimes if I feel indecisive about the month's artworks)
I know I'm being a bit evasive in some descriptions but I'm not sure myself about who or how much characters I can cram into each artwork idea. My past Onsen picture pretty much proves how far I can go when not being selective...

Thanks to all patrons who stick there for 2 months and to the newcomers who arrived since then. I'm not out of trouble yet but I'm glad to have you around.

With my sincere gratitude,



Haven't seen your lovely pinkies in a while ♡


I found it crazy that two of the girls /consecutively/ introduced in Sword & Shield showed off their feet - Nessa in her sandals and then Bea being barefoot. Here's hoping for more, right?


Don't be too greedy! I'm more amazed about the fact that the artist "Take" who designed these two ladies is also responsible for Wicke and Lusamine in the past, so I can safely say he didn't disappoint!