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Sorry I'm such a drama queen and have put all of you guys on such a crazy rollercoaster lately. I basically had the revelation that I needed to cut down on ASMR commissions because they were burning me out, but I misinterpreted that as needing to completely quit ASMR. 

After making that decision, my mental health began to decline a bit and I had to reevaluate what exactly it was that I needed to change. So I've decided to reopen my Patreon but make it more suited to ALL of my interests instead of just cosplay. There will be a lot of changes, but I think these are changes that need to be made and that all of you will enjoy! 

So, as the title states, my Patreon is REOPENING! I have changed most if not all of the tiers, so those of you still pledged should definitely check those out. Again, I will never delete old videos, so those will also remain up for your viewing pleasure. 

I'm going to still offer a bit of the old, but I'm coming at this with a new angle and more creativity than ever before! Feel free to comment with any questions you guys may have! 

As for March's rewards, I will attempt to fulfill my new tier requirements, but because I'm starting so late in the month, it will be mostly an attempt and not a promise. But starting in April, all rewards will be recieved on time to each tier. 

Thank you guys so much for sticking with me in these crazy times. I've had like... 3 complete 180s in the last month lol so I'm so sorry for my dramatics. Self-discovery, am I right?


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