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Greetings, explorers!

Don’t look now, but there’s two new pairs of eyes on you! An intriguing new visitor… visitors? Whatever the case, this ‘Ghelalequa’ has been making the rounds of Eventyri Junction’s corridors, and we would love for you to investigate this latest unknown being. They certainly seem inviting…

Once you’ve had your fill of alien affairs, please check out our latest poll at https://forms.gle/QfKQC7mYSMNGw7m48 to help us decide which character will be added to the Eretz Pass DLC pack next! The results of the previous poll will be available soon – we have tabulated the responses, and we are working on a concept based on them. Stay tuned to see what’s in store!

As always, thank you all for your support of our game, and look forward to more content!

Kind Regards,

The Galactic Monster Quest Team

Support the Galactic Monster Quest Project by purchasing credits and/or becoming a Patreon.



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