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While I thought the whole ghost types being born from resentment and hatred thing was bullshit I knew that there were a few actual exceptions to this. Spiritomb was one of those as it was a species of pokemon that was only born after many lives were lost in a location. This wasn't conjecture or myth or some other nonsense but cold hard fact. While it was true that the vast majority of ghost types were born without death being even slightly involved the ones who were born from it had a very bad habit of being highly dangerous and aggressive depending on the circumstances of the deaths.-

It was so bad in fact that even the league had public announcements to avoid these pokemon because seven out of ten times the pokemon was after your life. The list at the moment of ghost type pokemon to avoid in the wild was Spiritomb , Froslass and Drifblim. For good reason too as each and every one of them wanted to kill you in most cases. It was even worse in that very few Spiritomb were known to exist and the ones that were tended to be massively understudied so little was known about them other than one detail that made me very nervous at the moment.-

The more negative energy that went into their creation the higher the chance of them being a legion Spiritomb. Legion Spiritomb were widely considered the only variant of the species to exist and the defining feature of this variation was the black color of the spirit body and the many star like red dots all through out it. I was making eye contact with exactly one such pokemon through the compacted soil and metal between it and myself.-

I watched the jagged red mouth turn into a malicious grin and reacted immediately "DEFENSIVE POSITIONS!" I yelled just in time for the ground above the Spiritomb to explode. Ominous energy rolled out of the hole darkening the surroundings as a feeling of malice and dread fell upon my team and I. This was no mischievous but friendly Sableye that we needed to deal with but a violent entity born from the resentment and hatred of several thousand people and pokemon. While I doubted that everyone who lived in Slateport had been killed as Groudon passed through I knew that those who had been unwilling or unable to flee had died.-

So this Spiritomb only had a fraction of the power it may have had should nobody have left the city in time. This wasn't reassuring though as legion Spiritomb were tricky creatures to deal with no matter the circumstances. The reason for this was best summarized with the phrase "too many cooks ruin the soup." All those different personality imprints from the dead mean that the pokemon is constantly arguing with itself and thus difficult to predict. As a pure energy being minus it's keystone Spiritomb there was no muscle warning before a move was released and going off expressions was a foolish idea.-

Contrary to what one might expect Spiritomb is not actually MADE of souls but rather the spiritual energy of those who died shortly after each other. In other words it is a newborn with the fragments of several thousand peoples last thoughts in one mind. 'If there was ever a pokemon that needs therapy this was it.' I thought as I watched the red "face" in the cloud rising from the hole swap between many expressions at a constant rate. Rage , sadness , envy , acceptance , madness and more all in a weird show of malice and otherworldliness.-

"I don't suppose I can convince you to come quietly could I?" I asked and I got a shadow ball hurled at me in response. Gaia covered her claws in dark type energy and stepped in front of the attack catching it with little more than a grunt on her part. The fact she even grunted was a bad sign as she was dark type which meant she was resistant to the Ghost type moves and even used dark type energy to catch the attack yet she still felt it when she caught it.-

"Gaia , dark pulse! Vulcan attack it's keystone but don't use normal type energy , Rune interference! Yani stand ready to assist with nature orb!" I barked out a series of orders rapidly and my team moved to obey. Gaia charged up dark pulse while Rune and Vulcan moved in two different directions with the later heading straight for the stone that the Spiritomb was coming out of. Rune sent weak electrical attacks at the black and red cloud that was the spiritual body of the ghost type making it hiss and howl angrily while Vulcan circled the cloud to get to the stone but was being blocked by the ghost type with another part of it's spirit body.-

'Note to self Spiritomb can split their attention in multiple ways at once.' I thought as I saw the pokemon multitask without any issue at all. I suppose it made sense given their many personalitied minds but it wasn't included in the known information on the things. For those wondering why I was fighting this thing rather than leaving it alone then the answer is twofold. First was because I wanted it on my team , it was a variant legendary after all.-

Second because now that the whole Groudon thing was over with I imagined that people will want to rebuild here and if I just left this thing here it was DEFINITELY going to kill a lot of people. Spiritomb weren't the sort of pokemon to leave the area they were born in which put this one in a particularly bad spot. I'm not saying it couldn't leave if it wanted to only that it would in most cases simply stay here until something disturbed it like a random guy staring at it from the surface or say a construction crew digging out the land for foundations.-

One might think that I have have some really crazy luck to keep getting in these situations with legendries but you should keep in mind that the world seems to want me in these same scenarios. (A/N: Have you seen this guys roulette though? He's fucking HARD to make interesting otherwise.) Anyways Gaia finally released a dark colored ripple of energy that struck the cloud body of the Spiritomb and made it contract in pain and hiss and howl in anger. Vulcan took that opportunity to bat the keystone into the air which caused the ghost to panic and move to protect it.-

I wasn't going to be explaining that it's keystone was damn near indestructible to it though as this worked in my favor. "Gaia keep hitting it! Vulcan lava plume! Rune flashing rain!" I barked out my orders and they acted on them. The ground under the falling Spiritomb opened up and lava shot up in a geyser as if the molten rock sought to devour the pokemon. Rune meanwhile sent the ball of electric type energy sparking at the keystones destination causing the ghost to take serious damage as it passed through. The final blow was a series of back to back dark pulses that knocked it out leaving a dull looking keystone on the pool of lava that was rapidly cooling.


leimak vandenberg

Did he ever buy pokeballs though i can't remember and it would be kinda funny if he right now finds out he doesn't have anny to catch it (definitely not that somthing like that has ever happened to me in the games)


He has the spares from the system pokemon after transferring them to a normal ball if I remember right. How good those balls are idk. Shrug


I can't wait for him to give a certain person a heart attack with his latest variant. 🤣 oh this is exciting, it's my leg jiggling in excitment!