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"That's good to hear , it wouldn't be much of a trump card if it was so easily figured out." Nick said honestly. Dumbledore nodded in understanding "I see , very well then i will trust you to know what you are doing. On a different matter entirely I'd like to discus an upcoming topic with you." the old goat said and Nick stood up to follow him since he had an idea what it was about.-

It was funny how every other participating countries students were long since aware of the event but the British students attending Hogwarts were nearly entirely in the dark until Dumbledore dropped it on them out of nowhere yesterday. Once they got to Dumbledores office the man clarified what he wanted to speak to Nick about in regards to the tournament. "After much discussion I managed to secure you the privilege of designing a task of the tournament. You will of course be required to sign a nondisclosure contract that will last until the tournament is over with , I assume that is no problem?" Dumbledore revealed with a smile.-

Nick had to admit that out of everything that he thought the old man might say that was definitely not something he expected. Not to say he was going to reject the opportunity or anything like that , just that he was caught off guard. "That is fine but I assumed the tasks were already chosen by this point in time?" Nick questioned in confusion. "The first task is set yes but the rest have yet to be and thus subject to change. I take this to mean that you accept the offer to create a task then?" The old goat asked and Nick nodded.-

"Wonderful I do so look forward to seeing what you come up with." Dumbledore said with a genuinely eager look. Nick left the office after that in deep thought as to what he was going to do for his task. 'Before that though I should grab my mission rewards.' he thought as he pulled up the system menu and accepted his mission rewards. Immediately he felt a change in his essence within the realm that rippled into his body but didn't seem to do anything else. The first optional task was not completed so Nick didn't get the book that was the reward for it but he did complete the final optional task of completing the laws of the realm.-

The reward had been a bunch of question marks until now and after accepting the rewards Nicks eyes went wide as a powerful phenomena swept through the realm and a bright burst of light and sound appeared in a single location before vanishing to reveal a large ornate looking cylindrical object about three feet wide and made of gold , it was an elder scroll. He stood frozen in shock as his lordly perception stared at the inconspicuous but horrifically powerful and dangerous object that had manifested in his realm.-

Somehow he knew that this scroll was called {Arda} and was tied to the complete laws of his realm making it uniquely suited to his use. It could not be considered anything but a truly divine artifact that Nick knew he would never allow another person to use under any circumstances. There was a bit of debate as to the true nature of elder scrolls but the only thing truly agreed upon was that they were objects to be feared and respected by even gods as their power was impossible to quantify.-

Yet at the same time the scrolls were entirely inert until read or used in a special manner making them little more than indestructible heavy objects. Nick knew of the scrolls but had never thought he would posses one himself and was thus unsure exactly what to do with his "reward". 'I'll just keep it to the side for now I guess.' he thought as the scroll was placed in a wooden case that formed around it from thin air. This was one of the privilege's of being a realm lord , matter manipulation. -

Any part of the realm that he had his perception on could be manipulated in what can only be described as a divine manner to create from nothing or transform without trading anything. It was a broken ability that allowed Nick to play around in a way that would make transfiguration and alchemy masters want to rip their hair out at how unfair it was. It wasn't all good though as the realm was now truly himself so his mood caused it to change as well. Angry? Rampant destructive forces. Happy? sunshine and rainbows. It made things interesting but dangerous for anyone inside the realm.