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The Jenny breathed out a sigh of relief "This isn't a break but the stragglers of the nearby hoard that got impatient , kill them without mercy." she said sternly and I nodded before sprinting off into the town to find my team. The first one I came across was Vulcan that was unsurprisingly surrounded by dead pokemon and injured people and pokemon that were clearly those fending off the attackers. "Vulcan! Open Season!" I yelled at my pokemon and it roared back in acknowledgement of it's new orders. I didn't stop but kept going until I found Rune fighting off three Gulpin but it was clear he was trying to take them alive.-

"Rune , New orders , Kill them all!" I yelled and Rune immediately released a series of thunderwaves to paralyze his opponents to death. Gaia was unsurprisingly the biggest obstacle for the attackers however as between her stone grasp and shed skin she was a nightmare for the mostly electric and poison type pokemon attacking the town. I skidded to a stop next to her "New orders , execute all of the enemies." I said firmly and she hummed in acknowledgement before the many stone hands holding the enemy pokemon closed tightly crushing them to death.-

The fence had kept most of the attackers outside the town so it was not long for all but the leader of this attacking group to be taken down by the defenders and my team. The leader was a level sixty seven Swallot that had a taste for human flesh , particularly children. It shouldn't be needed to be said but that made me absolutely LIVID , a sentiment shared by all the defenders and my team. By the time we were done hammering the thing with attacks it would have been possible to stuff what remained in a sardine can.-

Next came the clean up and recovery part of such an attack as every able bodied person worked to clear away the dead and debris. My team helped with this while I volunteered at the pokecenter since I had poke medic knowledge and a healing ability that could best be used there. More than a few times I needed to help stabilize wounds and work as an extra pair of hands under the orders of the Joys. It was bloody and tiring work but I did it without a word of complaint.-

Fortunately I had made an ass ton of health potions a couple days ago so even when the pokecenter ran out I was able to hand out my own stock. I felt a bit conflicted by the end of the day when I discovered that my poke medic skill had gone from novice to journeyman thanks to all the hands on experience I had gotten today. I was too tired to care though as I had spent the last few hours draining my energy pool repeatedly of every last once of energy I had and it had taken it's toll on me.-

I walked out of the pokecenter sluggishly as the exhaustion dragged me down in a more mental than physical sense. I found a spot on the grass under a tree and took a seat with my back against the trunk before closing my eyes and letting sleep take me. I'm not sure when exactly but sometime while I was asleep the rest of my team found me and grouped up around me to rest as well. Apparently someone in the town saw this scene and took a picture of it and posted it on the forums with the title {savage saints rest}.-

There was also the story about what had happened to the town and what I and my team had been doing during it. I wouldn't learn about this until the next morning when Birch called and told me about the buzz it was creating online. He also got me the information I asked for previously and it was definitely a good thing I did too. The hoard primarily consisted of electric and fire types with a smattering of rock and water types however the biggest issue was that it had nearly a thousand pokemon in it.-

There wasn't any fliers though which was a relief since it meant that I wasn't going to get attacked from above when I worked my way through the hoard. With that in mind my plan of sending most of the hoard to sleep was still perfectly feasible. There was still more to do in town before we could head towards the hoard though so we ended up spending another day helping out before finally making our way to the hoard. Like I had previously thought as well the Milotic at the center of the hoard was living in a pond with the rest of the hoard surrounding it.-

I specifically walked around the edges of the hoard until I was up wind from it where I used the first sleep potion. "TSSSSS!" the colorless gas fog left the canister only to be carried by the gentle breeze over the hoard without any of them noticing it until it was too late and the first part started to go to drop. Each canister only covered so much of the hoard so rather than use all of them at once I instead waited for the part of it effected to go to sleep before sneaking past the sleeping pokemon and setting off another canister to knockout even more pokemon further into the hoard.-

There were a few that resisted the gasses effect and needed to be killed to keep them quiet as we got closer and closer to the pond with each canister. On the final one we reached the pond and rather than attack the Milotic at it's center I used the system to analyze the water as well as the Milotic itself alongside it's surroundings with my X-ray vision. What I found made a lot of sense but also made it clear that the Milotic needed to be mercy killed , yes mercy.-

According to the system it was not a naturally shiny pokemon but rather an escaped test subject on making artificial variants by Team Aqua. As a side effect however it was in constant pain and had a heightened aggression instinct. To top it off the Milotic had an egg that it was practically rabid to protect in it's human made madness. It was a pitiable case in all regards and I understood my role here perfectly. I was to serve as the merciful death for the creature and the salvation for it's child.-

"Rune get her attention , Vulcan , Gaia keep the hoard from interfering by any means necessary." I commanded and my team got to work immediately. Vulcan created a wide area of hot lava while Gaia covered it in an intense sandstorm that turned the area behind us into a death trap. Rune on the other hand sent a few weak thunder shocks into the pond which served their purpose of getting the Milotic's attention perfectly as it roared in rage and madness while it's energy caused the water to shake and splash everywhere as it rushed to the surface.



Poor thing, I assume he'll either take care of the baby Feebas himself or find it a good home. Thanks for the chapter.

Alexander Semino

Thanks for the chap. I bet the baby will have anger management issues. Also it took since chap 36 but; ... . .. ...your 'Half naked civilized (eye candy) savage' is evolving ... congratulations your 'Half naked civilized (eye candy) savage' into 'Half naked (bloody) savage saints'. XD