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With the ingredients secured I left the city for the road and wilds between the civilized places to find me a nice spot to craft my potion. I of course released my pokemon once I was outside the city with the exception of Rune who was still knocked out from the battle and subsequent evolution. By this point Vulcan was already well on it's way to recovery as well as a good deal of the bruises it had were starting to fade already. Gaia on the other hand was frankly pissed at not being able to join the battle since Vulcan had been a little too effective and made Brawly quit early.-

It took me a good hour of coaxing her with promises of dibs on the battles with Watson and lots of good metals to eat after she evolved to get her to drop the matter. In a way I could understand her being upset at missing out on what would have undoubtedly been a very challenging fight which is why I let her have her little tantrum. At the end of that hour though I found a nice clearing in the woods that was perfect to use for my alchemy.-

I set up my equipment and got to work preparing the ingredients while I mentally went through the steps I created for the potion. For the plants I sent a tiny gentle bit of aura through them to restore their vitality before chopping and mashing them as needed. Contrary to how it seems using fresh ingredients was always the way to go but in a few cases it was a good idea as the remaining vitality helps the potions. about an hour later I placed the deceptively clear liquid in a sealed canister before using the aerosolizer on it effectively turning it into a sleep smoke grenade when opened.-

I made four of these for wide area coverage before going absolutely crazy on making health potions because something told me I was gonna need them. The sun had started to set by the time I was done crafting potions and cleaning my equipment to store it again. I set up a a fire to roast a Mightyena that Vulcan hunted for dinner and was carefully rotating the corpse over the fire when Rune let me know he was awake and hungry.-

Releasing him from his ball I tossed him an oran berry that he easily caught in his jaws. "That should hold you over until I am done roasting this thing." I said calmly and he nodded. "Good job during the battle by the way , you missed it but we won so hard Brawly quit at his second pokemon." I said with a grin and Gaia chimed in about how she didn't even get a turn. Rune smiled pleased with the result of his hard work. "There's not much difference in shape between your current form and previous one so you shouldn't have too much issue fully adapting if you do a bit of light exercise , also congrats on upgrading your variation." I said still grinning and Rune beamed proudly.-

A while later I finished roasting the food and cut off a thigh for myself before splitting the rest between Vulcan and Rune. After that I had Gaia set up a shelter for us 'She's getting better at controlling the surrounding earth' I noted before entering the shelter and meditating myself to sleep. The next morning I got in my workout and was pleased to see Rune hale and hearty as he sprinted around and even kept up with my workout.-

Once that was good and done we set out for Trode town which at our usual speed should take us about two days to get to. Along the way I had each of my battle ready pokemon fighting any pokemon at or higher level then them that we came across in order of Gaia , Rune and finally Vulcan that rotated. An interesting fact about the way the pokemon league handled the wild pokemon was that barring areas inaccessible or really far from people the league had the local wild pokemon in certain parts of the regions at a certain range of power.-

The higher the level the badge for that area was the stronger the wild pokemon were with the area for the final badge having no upper limit. Finding pokemon who could actually battle my team with out getting otk'd was pretty fucking hard as a result. Not impossible mind you just irritatingly hard. Over the next two days we traveled and rested at night while battling during the day Vulcan fought four times and got two levels. Rune also got four battles and three levels while Gaia was the lucky one and got five battles with two levels as well.-

Finally towards the end of the second day of traveling The town could be seen in the distance alongside lots of smoke and bright flashes , it was under attack. "Vulcan if I rode on your back how fast do you think you can close the distance?" I asked seriously after seeing this. "En! En! Entei!" Vulcan barked out firmly and I nodded before balling the rest of my team and jumping onto it's back and holding unto the fur tightly "Go!" I shouted and the world blurred around me.-

Entei as a whole species were extremely well known for how fast they could run , to the point in fact that it was a legitimate entry in the pokedex in the games. As a result I had no doubt at all about Vulcans claim of being able to get to the town in under a minute. The thing is that such speeds are horribly disorienting to experience from a dead stop. So when we arrived at the town my head was positively throbbing in pain that I had to try and ignore as I released my team again.-

"Chase them off or knock them out if you can and if not kill them!" I commanded and my team sounded in the affirmative before shooting off into the town to fight off the pokemon attacking it. "Tank cover my back as this might get nasty." A told the spikey mon on my back as I drew my spear and channeled aura to my legs to empower them before taking off in a sprint towards the closest screams. The system also went off but i didn't have time to check what it was about as a Jenny protecting a woman and her child with her Arcanine partner from three Manectric and not doing so hot either came into sight.-

"HUUUU!" sucking in a mouthful of air as I strained my whole body while flooding it with aura and cocked the spear back before throwing it at one of the Manectric. "SWOOSH! CRACK!" the sheer power behind the throw sent the spear threw the air like a bullet before smashing into the side of one of the Manectrics head and getting stuck in it's brain killing it instantly. The Arcanine saw the weapon and capitalized on the opening the surprise attack gave by distracting the other two and charged a flamethrower that the Manectric were too late to interrupt and thus got roasted to death by. I kicked up a cloud of dust as I slid to a stop in front of the Jenny and ripped out my spear from the corpse on the ground "My team and I are here to help." I said firmly while ignoring the blood that splashed on me from taking out the spear.


Victorien Michel

I can see a tanned almost 2m tall musculare man with blood all over his body saying with a poker face 'I'm here to help'


Thanks for the chapter. Let's goo! Badass hoard fights incoming!