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Snape nodded " He is correct but you are slightly mistaken in thinking majority of your professors have changed their race. In fact the exact opposite is true as only myself and professor Sprout have done so while the rest are the same as they were born." the man explained seriously. Nick would be lying if he said that he wasn't surprised by this information. While he can understand a few of the human professors such as Trelawney and Burbage refusing to change their race the others would likely benefit heavily from it.-

As for the professors that were already inhuman like Flitwick and Hagrid there was simply no reason why they would need to modify their race. Hagrid also simply couldn't do it to begin with since besides what he had self taught himself his spell work and knowledge on the magical arts was barely at the fourth or fifth year level. Nick couldn't see Hagrid changing his race anyways since he was perfect at handling magical beasts to begin with. "I am surprised you haven't asked what the differences between my new race and being human were." Nick said honestly.-

Snape scoffed "Sharing my own changes means nothing as knowing them does not allow it to be used against me. Your new race is clearly a different matter." the man said sternly. "I see then you must be curious if potions still work on me the same then?" Nick questioned and Snape nodded. "They do indeed work the same as there was no change in that regard." Nick said and the potioneer nodded before leaving. It came as little surprise to Nick that after Snape it was Flitwick who came to see him. "My goodness that presence is truly something else to experience in person. No wonder the rumors were so hard to understand." the half goblin said with a smile.-

"To be honest I hadn't wanted to reveal myself quite so early but things rarely tend to work out the way we hope." Nick said with a smirk. "Very true , still I am concerned that you chose to make such a decision before maturing magically. I do hope this won't aversely affect you in any way." Flitwick said honestly. Nick smiled and shook his head "Quite the opposite in fact , I already hold more magical power than anyone else in this school besides Dumbledore and not to slight the man but i can even use it better too due to the differences in magical anatomy I have." he explained seriously.-

To prove this point Nick waved his hand and cast a series of spells wandlessly. Flitwick watched in amazement at this and seemed to quickly figure out the crux of it. "You can freely cast spells without a wand without sacrificing power?" he asked and Nick nodded. "Incredible! I dare say you may be right in claiming to be better than Albus at using magic as even he cannot wandlessly cast magic so well." Flitwick said with a wide smile.-

Nick chatted with Flitwick a bit more after that and even had Mcgonagall show up at some point and scold Nick for his reckless choice while also congratulating him as well in her stern but caring manner. Then came the much more problematic part of his racial reveal in the form of his friends. Flitwick knew that what came next was none of his business and left with the excuse that he had homework to grade. Nick couldn't blame him either as what came next was bound to be uncomfortable.-

"So what's up with that weird feeling you are giving off?" Tracy asked bluntly once all of his friends had gathered in the workshop. Nick waved his hand causing the door to shut without him moving from his seat. "How much do each of you understand about the path to power that wizards follow?" Nick asked seriously. "Isn't it just learning spells and potions and stuff?" Ron asked confused. Nick chuckled "While that is indeed a good part of it , I am afraid that it is not quite so simple. See there is in fact a grading system for how powerful a being is and by extension what they were capable of." -

"Tier one beings are the weakest mature magical beings , freshly graduated average graded Hogwarts students fall into this category. Tier two is where most wizards tend to stop at and as such is also fairly mediocre. Tier three is where the truly skilled and talented tend to sit a good example would be Mcgonagall , Snape and Flitwick are at this point. Tier four however is the dividing line between those talented but not fully focused like the professors and the most brilliant of wizards sit. Dumbledore and myself are both at this point which is why we need to restrain our magic or else our very presences would create a feeling of suppression to those weaker than us. As for beyond this tier of power I am not entirely sure." Nick explained seriously.



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