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The creature was boiling in anger by the time it finally landed on the shore as it cut a sorry figure with nearly no muscles and dark bags under it's sun burnt skin. Without a steady source of magic to feed off of the creature had resorted to self consumption as well as the sporadic meal in the form of foolish magical creatures that it ran across to maintain it's existence. This caused the creature to truly appear like a walking skeleton with dark cracked skin stretched over it and sunken eyes that radiated madness and wrath.-

The witch or wizard holding the viewing orb from the sky allowed Nick to see this grotesque scene through the ball in Dumbledores office. "Honestly I am pretty sure it's close to death already so maybe just shooting it would finish it off." Nick said with a frown. Something about this bothered him , like it was just way too easy for the level of danger the creature should hold. "Indeed though i admit the ministry has not helped the matter for the creature by diverting most magical beast away from it's path." Dumbledore said calmly. -

"Ah! I see , so that's why it seems too easy. The creature has been starved more than I expected thanks to the ministries efforts." Nick said while nodding in understanding. "Observe , it's starting." Dumbledore said firmly and they both observed the ball intensely. The view panned out and for a long distance away they could see several stones light up and a silvery looking barrier spread out from each stone connecting until it formed a massive dome with the creature in the center. The dome then turned transparent and from within it an odd scene was playing out.-

The creature seemed to feel that something wrong as it shot forward inhumanly fast only to look like it lagged for an moment before appearing on the opposite side of the dome it was just at. It apparently didn't realize that this happened immediately and kept sprinting forward only to end up opposite the previous location again. "It hasn't panicked yet so we don't know if the trap with hold quite yet but it looks promising." Nick said honestly and Dumbledore nodded. Soon however the abomination figured out what was happening and opened it's mouth in what appeared to be a horrible wail.-

A wave of pure destruction radiated from the creature in all directions evaporating everything from stone to the very air itself as nothing was spared. Thankfully the trap managed to contain this power and even forced the creature to cease it's attack as the spatial loop sent the attack back at it. Once the bright magic vanished Nick could see that all that was left was a perfectly smooth bowl shaped hole with the creature falling infinitely from the top of the dome to the bottom before falling from the sky again. The creature flailed desperately and sent all manner of attacks flying as it fell before in the end collapsing in on itself as it's magic canibalized it's very existence.-

It was a slow and gruesome end to witness and neither Nick or Dumbledore dared to look away since they were the ones that set this in motion and thus were determined to witness it to the finish. "Leave the formation up for a month before lowering it. Keep the box as I will clearly not need it." Nick said seriously before leaving the office deep in thought. During this event he had witnessed several unique and unknown forms of magic from the abomination and he wished to learn what they were and how they were done.-

The most important was the wave of pure destruction that seemed to erase matter in a stable manner that seemed directly to be the antithesis to divine mana that created matter from nothing. Nick knew that the abomination likely used it instinctually and didn't understand what it was doing but it still inspired him. He didn't know what it was called or even what the requirements to use were but Nick did know that he wanted it. He was hopeful that it would allow him to counter divine mana to a degree.-

Generally from what Nick could tell magic was extremely balanced in that typically the counter to something was usually on the same level it was but there were a few exceptions. The most well known was the Fiendfyre curse that could be countered with magical intent in a Protego shield. The evil flame seeks to devour everything and yet if sealed within a barrier infused with the wizards willpower it is stopped somehow despite clearly being higher grade.



Thanks for the chapters, loved them!