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Dinner was a simple sautéed meat and veggies mix on rice with a nice gravy from the rendered fat of the meat and some cooking wine. Obviously the portion sizes were gigantic since I was cooking for two pokemon and a person but clearly the cooking set was designed with that in mind. Food ingredients were also cheaper than ever for me after getting that star badge as it turned out most stores had a discount on goods for holders of the things. A few mom and pop stores didn't but considering the nature of them I honestly wasn't surprised.-

Rune , Vulcan and I managed to just finish eating when the light surrounding Tank started to flicker and fade as his evolution came to an end. It was about twenty five minutes faster than Gaia's evolution actually which I noted offhandedly before focusing entirely on the fading orb of rainbow colored light. Soon Tanks new form was revealed and I am not going to lie , it was metal as all hell. Not literally but rather Tanks general shape was the same as a normal Metapod except there was scale-like spikes along his entire body that made touching him harmful to oneself.-

[Pokemon: Metapod(Tank)


Moveset: String shot(M) , Tackle(E) , harden(n)

Variations: Defensive stage two



Sp. Atk:38

Sp. Def:115


Ability: Skin sling(n)]

I looked over Tanks new status and grinned when I saw the changes from before he evolved. The first was of course his name as he went from Caterpie to Metapod. The second was that he learned harden which was to be expected but what I hadn't realized until now was that he had hit master level mastery of string shot which was the first move I have ever seen at that level of proficiency. -

I am not sure if there was some benefit to raising ones move mastery that high but I assumed so. The third was the biggest however in my opinion as it proved that that extra effort on our part hadn't gone unrewarded in the form of his variation reaching stage two. As one would expect a defensive variation reaching stage two increased the defensive values of the pokemon with it by a good amount but also had the possibility of changing the pokemons ability if it was compatible with it.-

In Tanks case it was compatible so the standard shed skin got a bit of an upgrade that made me very happy when I saw what it did. Skin sling worked the same way as shed skin did with stripping the status ailments off of the pokemon but it went a step further and reflected those same ailments back at the one that inflicted them by well slinging the shed skin at them. It was honestly an amazing ability for a defensive pokemon like tank to have as it meant poisoning him and then stalling for the poison to knock him out was actually detrimental unless it was a pokemon immune to poison that did it.-

Poison stalling was actually a very popular tactic to use against defensive or tanky pokemon before trainer battles since it nearly entirely negated the advantage that being tanky had and put the tanky pokemon on a timer that they had to defeat their opponent by. With this ability however Tank would have no such problems at all. Frankly speaking this ability was busted as all hell and I loved it. I would probably be rather upset in fact when it goes away after Tank evolved into a Butterfree but it is what it is.-

"Congratulations on the evolution Tank , all that extra work paid off!" I said with a smile and Tank looked happy if rather exhausted. "I would pick you up but you look like that would hurt me to do , what with all those sharp spikes you have literally everywhere." I said with a chuckle and Tank looked embarrassed and a little unhappy at this. Nothing for it I balled him and called it a night since it was getting a bit late.-

Waking up the next morning I stretched as I got up off Vulcan who I was using as my bed still. I didn't wake any of my pokemon up and got started on my morning workout. The parts that I could do without really going anywhere to be more exact since I wasn't stupid or arrogant enough to do the long distance run without my pokemon in the wild. Any hungry predator pokemon would make an easy meal of me if they found me like that. So I saved that part for last as I did the rest while my pokemon also started waking up on their own.-

Once I was done with my daily workout I turned my attention to the tickets sitting within my satchel. Specifically the ability , skill and guaranteed skill tickets that I wanted to get out of the way. For the guaranteed skill ticket I directly chose the poke medic skill since it would reduce the amount of time I would need to spend in a pokecenter by a huge margin. If I had a dedicated healing pokemon as well I would only need to visit the center for jobs in the future thanks to this skill.-

"HMMMP!" I grunt in pain as an absolutely absurd amount of information poured into my head from the system on my chosen skill. Pokemon medicine and normal medicine were actually two different skills so while i before I wasn't quite sure why , now I knew. The way pokemons biology worked was far more mystical in nature that a humans or normal animals by such a degree in fact that there was an entirely different set of rules to them in fact. It was also why it hurt so much to get all that knowledge stuffed into my head as the field was so wide and deep that I am pretty sure it shouldn't even be possible for a human to understand the entire field by themselves.-

A single aspect of this skill was enough for one to spend a lifetime mastering much less ALL of the aspects. 'Yep definitely going to end up burning so many exp tickets into this in the future I kinda want to cry.' I thought with a tired sigh before tearing the normal skill ticket I had as well. I groaned when it landed on ancient Kanto/Johto. 'Do I look like a fucking archeologist or historian!?' I thought angrily after the information finished getting deposited into my head.-

'Please our great lord and empowerer RNGESUS , let this ability ticket grant me some rad ass powers. Your faithful follower , me.' I prayed to my random lord before finally using the ability ticket I have had since that whole Eevee thing started. My heartfelt prayers were answered it seemed as my great and terrible lord granted me X-ray vision! At least I thought so until I lost all sense of vision and had a horrible pain overcome my eyes causing me to hold my head in agony for a whole twenty fucking minutes because as it turned out to have X-ray vision my eyes needed a total overhaul because human eyes aren't supposed to be able to , who knew?


Alexander Semino

Alex walks past a random backpacker on the road. Who then proceeds to stop him with a strange look in his eyes. random backpacker ; "Dude, why do you have 6 pupils in each eye? You should go have that checked at the nearby Pokecenter."