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In a funny sort of way ballad enchantments were even simpler to do for Nick than the Celebrimbor style he had mastered via effort. This was due to the instinctual nature of the art that did not require mastery via training but merely going with the flow. Nick released all illusions of control and allowed the song to shape itself as it wished as the armor on the anvil glowed and hummed in tune while drawing the mana from the air. Slowly each piece of armor began to connect mystically and meld their individual enchantments together. -

"THUMP! THUMP! THUMP!" The sound of a heart beating filled the air as the cuirass pulsed on it's own as the enchantments synchronized on it. The ballad also started to reach it's conclusion and with a last note the process completed and the entirety of the mana on the island was sucked into the armor. It refilled shortly afterwards but Nick could care less about that as he looked at the glowing silver blue armor on the anvil in disbelief. Unlike what he had expected the armor wasn't rare or even mythical grade but legendary.-

[Armor: Ra`ne Sairon(NOT Sauron)(wandering wizard)


Abilities: Autosizing , environmental adaptation , defensive shield , flame lord , lightning lord , flight , Growth , spatial skip , balanced , giants might , core repair

MYTHICAL ABILITY: Wanderers sanctum: Once a day allows the wearer to create a habitable location where they are free from danger.

LENDARY ABILITY: Ballad of travel: grants the wearer the ability to safely travel to any destination they have discovered previously three times as month.

Description: A legendary creation made to be the ultimate travelers tool.

System appraisal: A powerful tool that will change history and forge it's legend with every step it's wearer takes created by an established smith.]

"Truly a wonderous creation." Celebrimbor says proudly. 'It's almost perfect for what I wanted it to do and even goes several steps further.' Nick thought in awe as he ran a finger along the feather patterns on the cuirass. Checking the mission Nick was even more satisfied to see that he had completed that optional objective and turned in the mission getting his rewards. A black leather bound book titled {Space and you!} and a new crafting style ticket. The book was a very high end tome on spatial magic which Nick was thrilled to have.-

The crafting method ticket however was going to be left alone for quite some time as he was still figuring out the twilight style and unlike when he got it he was not even close to mastering the style. Adding on a new one might open up his options a bit but it would also force him to split his attention between the two styles which he was unwilling to do. Rather than that Nick preferred focusing his energy on mastering the twilight style and his own magical power. Putting the armor on nick was slightly miffed to notice it had to make a small adjustment in size in a couple places but other wise it fit perfectly.-

'Now to see if my wards or Hogwarts wards will stop me from traveling there.' he thought as he took a step forward while activating one of the three uses of the legendary ability. Instantly the surroundings changed and Nick found himself in the workshop at the school. It was disorienting despite him knowing how the ability worked as he felt like he took a single step and yet was suddenly in a totally different location.-

'This ability is absurdly broken , I didn't feel even the slightest resistance at all.' Nick thought as he looked at his surroundings. "In that case I believe the limit of three uses per month is quite reasonable as this ability borders on omnipresence." Celebrimbor said seriously. Nick agreed with that assessment as well since with this ability he could be almost anywhere at any given instance. Comparing the armor to the staff of Asclepius Nick found that the two couldn't even be compared properly with how far apart they were despite both being legendary items. It was like the armor was a muggle while the staff was Dumbledore , a massive disparity in power.-

Despite that Nick was still happy with the armor as it was his first legendary creation that was at that grade from the start. The Arda Milme ring was also legendary at this point but that was because it had grown into a sort of miniature world in it's own right which brought about a qualitative change from when it was first created. Interestingly however the ring didn't gain a new legendary ability after reaching that point but the mythical ability turned into the legendary ability instead.



Ooo nice, loved the chapters!