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This entire time since the creature escaped from it's prison it had been moving slowly through the sea as it hunted down the magical beasts that dwelled within. All magic was it's food and nothing was an exception so it was only after it stopped finding prey that it's hunger finally led it to the north eastern shores of the british isles. There it came across it's first wizard after it left the prison that it devoured with relish. This was merely the first of many however as it was soon discovered by the ministry and by extension Dumbledore.-

Stopping it however proved impossible as even transfigurations that reshaped the ground it stood upon lost their magic and reverted to their original states. Nick learned of this when he and the powerful staff of Hogwarts was summoned to Dumbledores office after the man had managed to send the creature to the northern arctic circle at the cost of most of his mana. "The creature is as we feared and unable to be contained by magic. I tried everything I could but I was only barely able to catch it off guard enough to banish it to the artic glaciers but it is already on it's way back , with a grudge this time it seems." the old man said with a tired look on his face.-

"My hands are also tied in this matter as without causing a serious commotion I have no way of taking care of the thing. In theory it would be possible to use muggle science to trap the creature but they lack the level in it to make that possible." Nick said helplessly. "Why did you want a muggle weapon then?" Dumbledore asked confused. "That was because it burns through it's magic each time it stops a nonmagical attack so it might be possible to force it to starve itself to death if it is hit with enough." Nick said honestly.-

"Would that not put the one using the muggle weaponry in grave danger as the creature grew desperate?" Snape asked with a heavy frown. "That's where I am stuck unfortunately as to nullify the danger I would need a way trap the creature and as Dumbledore will attest that is not possible magically speaking. Using muggle means also won't work as the thing will barely be slowed down with the current level of technology available." Nick explained and everyone frowned.-

"Albus you said you managed to banish to the arctic but if it devours magic how did you accomplish this?" Mcgonagall asked clearly having an idea. "This creature has a maximum range that it can devour magic within , I used this to send a certain area of space to the arctic that included the creatures location without directly using magic within it's field. "Hold on you said it has a range?" Nick said with his eyes lighting up. "That is correct , what have you figured out?" Dumbledore asked hopeful.-

"I may or may not be able to erase an area of existence if I can trap the creature in an area with looping space that should kill it but it's a gamble , a large one at that. The enchantment if you want to call it that is highly volatile so if even the tiniest speck of magic touches the ring it could go off an take whoever was holding it with it alongside twenty feet of existence." Nick said seriously as everyone in the room looked horrified. "Why would you create such a thing?" Flitwick asked in confusion after getting past the horror that is an existence erasing item.-

"It was a failure I created in my first year at school that I never had the suicidal inclination to recreate. You need to understand that while I had the theoretical limits for the enchantment method I use it was just that , theory , so I could only determine fact from fiction via experiments , that one just ended poorly." Nick explained honestly. "If possible I think it best if we avoid resorting to such dangerous actions. However the idea for a looping space might work to keep the creature contained until we can safely destroy it. I will seek aid from my old friend Nico in setting such a thing up." Dumbledore said seriously.-

"I also like not being erased so you have no arguments from me though I have a large stockpile of starmetal that might help if you require it." Nick offered since if it meant that abominations eventual destruction he was all for generously donating to the cause. "That will be most appreciated since the metal will make the work much easier." Dumbledore said with a smile. "With that settled I have a gift for you all since I won't be participating in the standard Christmas gift giving this year." Nick said as he took out several small vials with a small stone in each.



You should have him cure Neville parent's good way to get a allies


Launch it into space?

Andrew Mickle

Strand it on the moon even if it finds magic to eat it should explode before it can return

dagemer1234 videos

(havent read yet) i dont think he can do that, pretty sure theyre mentally scarred dont think he can do much abt that