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Nick failed to take something in mind when he used the portkey however that made his appearance in Hogsmeade very loud. See when a wizard or other creature apparate the loud "pop!" that is heard comes from the air getting displaced as they take off and land. Since port keys operate on roughly the same principle the surroundings are affected by the travel based on what they were. This meant that when Nick used the port key in the vacuum of space a piece of that vacuum came with him. The moment he landed in Hogsmeade the air was pushed out of that spot before being sucked in because of the vacuum filling itself.-

The sudden conflicting pressure caused the "POP!" to get much louder than normal drawing attention to him. Nick immediately cast disillusionment on himself seeing this while cursing himself mentally for not realizing that it would have happened. Thankfully the dozen or so people that saw him in his space suit only caught a brief glance before he vanished. He was sure that they wouldn't be able to make out any meaningful details in that tiny time frame and quickly fled to Hogwarts.-

He was correct of course that no one learned about what exactly it was that they saw but he would soon have a different headache to deal with. Nick had already changed his clothes before he got back to the school so no one found anything off about him. Disillusionment may work on the average population of wizards but Nick wasn't stupid enough to not know that the staff at the school would be able to see past it easily. Much to his surprise however he was found by Mcgonagall almost immediately and told that he needed to speak to Dumbledore on a grave matter immediately.-

'What could have happened in such a short period of time?' He wondered in confusion as from what he could tell there shouldn't have been any events that would require his presence in a mere few hours , he was wrong. Once he got into the headmasters office he was surprised to see three aurors standing there with serious expressions. Dumbledore noticed his entry immediately "Mr. Ravenclaw is here now so one of you should inform him as to why his presence is required." the old man said seriously and a blonde haired male auror walked over to Nick.-

"There is a situation going on at the moment by which a group of muggles has been taken hostage. The criminal is unidentified but has already put forward their demands , namely the turning over of one Nicholas Ravenclaw , unarmed and restrained." The auror explained sternly. Nicks expression underwent a series of changes in a short period of time from shocked to disbelief and finally settling on cold fury. "Where are they located and who exactly are the hostages in question?" He asked neutrally while clamping down on his emotions using occlumency.-

"A field in Little Hangleton and according to what we have discovered every muggle you had contact with before receiving your Hogwarts letter." another auror with brown hair said helplessly. 'So the kidnappers chose a spot that prevents ambush and tried to take hostages I may consider trading myself for. This is not the sort of thing someone familiar with me would attempt as they would know that while it would pain me to do so I would abandon the muggles since I am more valuable than them.' Nick thought and started going through as many possible identities of people that would try something like this.-

"This must be the work of that noseless bastard." He said once he figured it out. Frankly speaking the list of people he has offended to the point of such an action or had motive to do this could be counted on one hand and half that number was dead or imprisoned. As a result it was easy to deduce that this was Voldemorts idea as the man had a serious grudge and so little information on him that only he would make such a stupid move. Dumbledores eyes widened when he heard what Nick said while the aurors were all sharing a confused look.-

"Who are you referring to exactly?" The blonde auror asked curiously. Nick shook his head "You wouldn't believe me if I told you. Give me a few days to think it over. " he said seriously. "We were given a week to hand you over as of this morning so that is all we can afford you I'm afraid." the auror said apologetically. "That will be more than enough." Nick said ominously before leaving the office to prepare to dispose of a problem once and for all.


Linzie Salmons

OH! now its getting good I am looking forward to reading the next few chapters immensely