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Nick could only postpone his trip to Knockturn alley for now as he needed Dottys help to get there. With that in mind he finally chose to get to work on the method he chose to fill his need for star metal to make the atronach forge. The plan was quite simple really as he was going to modify a broom to reach escape velocity and fly out of the earths atmosphere. That was unfortunately the easiest part of the plan. The hard part was that he needed to have a way to survive in the vacuum of space as well as draw the floating debris orbiting the planet towards him to be harvested.-

He had no intention of even trying to reach the moon however despite it logically speaking having rich amounts of star metal from all the meteors that impacted it over it's long existence. The reason for this is that the distance is simply too great to get there without teleporting or traveling so fast he would die. Escape velocity is unfortunately the best he could withstand and returning to earth is extremely easy as he merely needed to use a portkey to be back without any issue at all.-

He knew for a fact that that obtaining a portkey was actually fairly easy all things considered as there were no less than four in the room of hidden things. He knew this because spatial magic had a rather unique look to it in his magical senses and he had studied the portkey that Olivander used briefly to get a feel for what they felt like. The only problem Nick had with these portkeys was that he had no clue where they led to and he was rather reluctant to test them.-

If they led to places in the isles then that would be perfect but he had a sneaking suspicion that this wasn't the case. 'I should probably just put in a request to the ministry for a portkey to Hogsmeade and wait for that then risk it with these things.' Nick decided and turned to look at the strange set of items on the table before him. The first was a full sized suit of seamless clothes that he had enchanted heavily to protect him from cosmic radiation , the cold and the vacuum of space which was irritatingly difficult for him.

He even had to create a complex choker built into the neck of the clothes that created had the ability to store and release breathable air while also covering his head in a tight vacuum proof bubble that he could see out of. These preparations alone took him nearly a week to finish in total and that was only because he needed to test them in a true vacuum which he did by using the realm to subject them to one. Having the realm made tests like this considerably easier than the sort of work that would normally be needed to do so.-

The final step he needed was the broom , portkey and method of drawing the scattered star metal to him. The first of which was easy as he simply made a flying broom out of ebony wood that had seven bands of silver at different points on the handle. The bristles were made of white oak and had daedric runes carved on them for stability and spatial movement. The seven bands of silver dictated the protection the broom got from the vacuum as well as speed , stability , steering and mana storage. The finished product was a beast of a broom that hit escape velocity both within the atmosphere as well as out of it.-

Unfortunately the enchantments that made this possible drained a stupid amount of energy to function which was why Nick included the equivalent of two Dumbledores worth of mana in the battery rings fueling the enchantments. After all it was quite hard to bring a person up to the right speed to leave the atmosphere entirely. After that though it was much easier to move about as there was little friction to slow or stop you. With this finished Nick had to work on the thing he needed to draw the star metal to him.-

It was a series of seven marbles made of what little star metal he had and enchanted with a powerful attractive force that only worked on things made of the same material. He played a small trick on the enchantments so that the enchantments only worked on the stuff in space since it would be rather awkward if he stole all the star metal on the planet. It was a tempting thought to be sure but he doubted he could get away with it for very long as a LOT of angry wizards would be trying to figure out what the hell happened.


Alexander Semino

Fun little obscure fact did you guys know that earth has a pseudo second moon? https://www.google.com/search?q=earth+second+moon Hope Nick doesn't fly into it LOL

Andrew Mickle

Why does he need escape velocity the brooms can hover so can’t he just use any old broom and just keep flying straight up? Escape velocity is just going up faster then gravity pulls you down with the brooms hover ability that is literally any speed even the speed of a snail could be escape velocity it would just take a while.