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Everyone went to their classes after that and the rest of the day was fairly normal for Nick. He did learn something interesting however that honestly got him a little excited. Apparently while the position was vacant for the time being Dumbledore himself had taken up teaching the subject of DADA. This was a wonderful thing in Nick's opinion since despite his character flaws the old goat definitely knew how to teach. He had been one of the previous DADA teachers before Armando Dippet stepped down from his position as Headmaster and handed to role over to him.-

The old goat was also the previous professor of transfiguration before he gave that position to Mcgonagall. The crazy thing is that the previous headmaster of the school is still alive today at the old age of three hundred and fifty four. Regardless of anything else Dumbledore knew his stuff when it came to teaching the subject. This meant that the education of the students would finally get a stabilized foundation. That was the thing about having a new teacher every year , the students learning suffered as a result. For the older students they were kinda out of luck in this regard as they won't really get the benefit of a stable education.-

But for the younger students like Nick and his friends it was a mighty fine opportunity. The best part was that Dumbledore apparently had a habit of sharing useful information not normally taught if the class showed the right motivation. For example each and every student taught by the man when he was the DADA professor learned how to cast the Patronus charm. Granted that was only for the fourth years and above but the principle still stood. No student of the old man's was truly mediocre unless they chose that for themselves.-

Nick surprised his friends by hanging out with them in the workshop as he worked on enchanting with the daedric runes since he was supposed to be relaxing. It should come as no small surprise that the daedric runes were exceptional at manipulating space , souls , fire , flesh and lifeforce considering their origins. They were so good at it in fact that Nick had to actively makes sure not to include any symbols related to those subjects or the enchantment warped to include them in strange ways. For example when he tried to enchant a ring to create water and accidentally created a blood fountain , it was very messy.-

He had also offered to tutor his friends in creation but was surprised to learn that out of all of them only Ron had any talent with veritology. To be specific he was almost prodigious with wood and easily soaked up the knowledge Nick had on the subject. He was a bit clumsy at first using the tools Nick had to shape wood but he rapidly improved. Hermione and Daphne both showed great promise with runes on the other hand and with his knowledge of exact translation were quickly picking up the subject.-

Harry had no talent at all with any form of crafting which was fine by him since he was really good at charms , flying and DADA type stuff. Tracy surprisingly was actually fairly talented at metal work instead. As Nick's most advanced field of knowledge he easily guided her in the proper way to work each type of metal as well as a good diet and exercise plan to really pick up the skill. Luna was the odd woman out in this way however as she refused to learn any of the things he was willing to teach.-

Flitwick had apparently heard the commotion of all of this work going on and checked in to see what was happening. "My word! I simply cannot express my joy to see so many of my students showing an interest in craftsmanship!" the small man said with so much happiness he actually cried a little. "I noticed that I was starting to distance myself from my friends and figured I may as well see if any of them could learn from me in any way , besides my own person crafting method of course." Nick said honestly.-

He meant it too since at this point Voldemort was a nonthreat and will be taken care of soon enough. Compared to the bullshit he had to deal with in the future the dark lord was the least of his concerns. Nick had also realized that he needed powerful allies at his side to deal with the future and who better than his friends to take that job. "I am glad you have seen the truth of this matter Nick , I could have told you myself but you needed to figure it out yourself to grow as a person." Flitwick said with a wide smile.



Thx for the chaps :)