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Dumbledore tapped the ward stone and a colorful array of magic appeared in mid air. He then waved his wand skillfully navigating the huge variety of magics until he came to one specific part. It was dark purple and swirled sinisterly around some of the oldest parts of the magic. Nick took out his wand and  placed the tip against his chest above his heart. "PER SANGUINEM MEUM ALLIGATUM GLORIAM MEAM FUTURAM VIDERE!"(by my blood bound glory see my future) he spoke and his heartbeat resounded throughout the room and the magics of the ward stone resonated with it adding a blinding white and gold magical imprint to the ward stone.-

Nick closed his eyes and sucked in a breath of air as he felt the connection to the wards get created. "Alright I will isolate the curse now , get ready to rip it out." He said seriously and Dumbledore nodded with a stern expression as he had the wand pointed at the flowing magic at the ready. Nick slowly started to will his imprint to flow around the imprint left by Voldemort carefully. There was a bit of a delay as it took a moment for his imprint to follow his intent but it slowly crept around the sinister purple magic.-

The curse was adaptive however and immediately felt a threat to itself from his imprint and lashed out. Nick coughed up blood as the damage to himself recoiled through his connection. He grit his teeth however and willed his imprint to fully entrap the curse that continued to attack it. Blood vessels burst in his eyes , nose and ears much to the concern of both Snape and Dumbledore but Nick eventually succeeded in isolating the curse. "Do it!" he said weakly and Dumbledore went to work excising the curse like a cancerous tumor.-

Nick went weak as the curse went through it's final fits of resistance before it was removed and Snape firmly held him up. "You've done enough child , rest now. Take him to Poppy." Dumbledore said and Snape helped Nick walk out of the office. Once they were gone the old wizard turned towards the shining magics and looked at the white and golden magic with interest. While the founders had cleverly left this backdoor for their descendants in secret it did not mean that the nature of it wasn't recorded.-

Each imprint was tailor made for the person who left it and showed the headmaster their true nature. For example Voldemort's imprint had been fused with a curse that made it clever and violent. Nick's imprint interested Dumbledore greatly as it was the second best thing to get a firm read on Nick to legilimency. What he found though surprised him as it was not truly white but rather a myriad of colors fused together to appear white like a rainbow. The gold on the other hand was different entirely as it didn't fit any personality trait and he couldn't tell what it meant.-

Madam Pomphrey however when Nick arrived with Snape to the infirmary was NOT happy. "Why is it that you always seem to show up with something dreadfully wrong with you?" She asked in irritation while using a diagnosis spell on him. She frowned however as she got back the results "I don't know what you've been doing but your body is on the verge of collapse , damaged nerves , burst vessels and to top it off you have a crack on your magical core. Thankfully your core is larger and sturdier than most your age so you aren't at risk to become a squib." she said seriously.

"Magical core? What's that?" Nick asked weakly since that sounded like something really important. "Contrary to what most wizards would like to believe we are actually very similar to magical beast in that we have a series of pathways in our bodies that allow magic to flow through them. The location where all these pathways meet up is a spot we have named the magical core , it's different for each location but is always located within the torso or in rare cases even the head but that's one in a billion to happen." She said indulging his curiosity.-

"Is damaging the core bad?" Nick asked worried he might have ruined himself on accident. "Damage to the core merely results in a temporary loss of a certain amount of magic via dissipation until it heals. If the core isn't large and strong enough to handle that loss the wizard is rendered a squib from the degradation of the magical pathways from atrophy. You are going to be fine so long as you rest and keep the stress on your core to a minimum for at least a month." she said and Nick could only hopelessly agree to take it easy for an entire month.



Can't wait for the next DADA Professor. I hope it'll be Moody. In my opinion the most interesting choice. Especially now that he wont be impersonated by Barty Crouch Jr. I'm looking forward to your decision author-san :3 Thx for the chaps :)

Alexander Semino

Barty would definitively be difficult since the world cup doesn't happen until the start of the 4th year but it's a pity because he was actually a good teacher, though a little mean. But you know you could still have the new DADA teacher being impersonated by a Voldy deatheater that in turn is actually being impersonated by Grindlewalt or his minions at the end of the day.... (LOL) Jokes aside another option that I think would also be interesting would be a non-human or OC character (like an actual hag) for some world building. Hell you could even have someone from Japan apply for the position due to the rumors of there being a Ho-Ho at Hogwarts. So many options... PS I vote for Lupin, he's the most fun in my opinion, though having an actual wizard specializing in dark magic like Snape is definitively the better option.

Alexander Semino

BTW shouldn't Nick be receiving a visit from Mcgonagall? she's the teacher in charge of the Gryffindor students yet she hasn't been informed about her student's situation?


Ooohhhh a Japanese teacher would be interesting. And if its because of the ho-ho rumors they might send a crafter to teach nick/get closer to the ho-ho

Alexander Semino

Was just trowing ideas out there. I doubt we'd actually get one. But that would definitively be interesting dynamic wise. Like with how Ron and other students don't consider other magical communities important. Or that the Ho-Ho is something the imperial family has a monopoly on. Plus there's the whole expanded lore about the how they view the dark arts and them apparently being better at quidage then the UK on pottermore.