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The "science" of the non magicals simply does not work in mana abundant places which many of your wizards have noticed. The reason for this I can not disclose as it pertains to the fundamental workings of reality and you are not ready for such information. However I am writing this to warn you that for the first year after the ritual's effect chaos shall grip the world as the non magicals will struggle to survive and adapt to this new order. Magical flora and fauna shall begin to resurface in vast uncontrollably large quantities while those that had survived till then will undergo rapid primal reversion to their more powerful ancestral states.-

Magic shall be forced out into the open and while the wizards will try to hide they too shall be exposed to the non magicals once again. Your role in this , Ring maker , is both simple and complicated at the same time. You much like myself are in the position to guide the world either in a positive or negative direction. Your power and skills will prove instrumental in shaping the world and so you must be warned. Most of my children perished with the world's crippling as they had not the ambient energy needed to sustain themselves.-

Exactly four of them however predicted their impending doom and sealed themselves away until the world recovered. My eldest child and the kindest of all of them Hestia whom I regret imprisoning the most. My youngest Zeus is the one guaranteed to seek your death regardless of your actions as your innate power encroaches upon his domain. The forgemaster Hephaestus who will ally himself with you against Zeus in most cases. And finally the only god to have survived by sealing away the majority of their power and using a different means of immortality , my oldest son Hades.-

He alone has silently watched as the eras flowed on and even after regaining his former power will not leave his domain in the underworld. He will sit on the side and watch as your clash with Zeus for hegemony rages on. You will know him by a different name however as he has only ever revealed himself by his domain , death. In the future after either you or Zeus succeed in gaining hegemony he will approach the victor and make an offer. At that time I hope you might accept as a favor to myself. Yours sincerely Chronos.-

Nick shut the book with a pale face and many different thoughts swimming in his head after the mind blowing revelations he just obtained. Not only was the truth about Chronos and the gods wrong but four of those gods were still alive today albeit in diminished sealed states. Hades the god of the underworld had even been moving behind the scenes of history this entire time which was a chilling thought. Assuming he hadn't just been sitting on his thumbs during that time but rather had been mastering and learning everything about magic he could it would be no exaggeration to say he was likely the most powerful person to walk the earth.-

Nick didn't even want to talk about how the underworld was apparently real and that Hades had been there this whole time. The only positive thing he could find out of this whole thing was that three of the four gods coming back weren't going to attack him and one was likely to ally with him. The biggest problem like most Greek myths came in the form of the god of the sky and serial rapist shapeshifter mother fucking ZEUS himself!-

It really can't be overstated the level of fucked Nick was with such a figure definitely going to come for his head in a few years. "Why the fuck does every plan of Grindelwald's implicate everyone else!? Some of us just want to spend our lives in peace damnit!" Nick cursed out loud angrily before grabbing Steve to try and calm down. "I need my emotional support niffler for this bullshit." Nick huffed as he petted Steve's fur to relax. "That bad huh?" Helena asked slightly worried about how he reacted to reading the book.-

Nick explained the entire content of the book to her and was no surprised at all to see the look of horror on her face when he was done. "I honestly think I got the short end of the stick this time. Fucking Zeus of all people to be coming for my head and I've got to somehow power up to that level within an unknown amount of years after Grindelwald resets the world." Nick grumbled in a poor mood. 'No wonder the system felt the need to evolve , at my previous rate of improvement I will get crushed like a bug.' he thought with a tired sigh.


Alexander Semino

Wonder how little old Dumbledore would react to this news, I mean he loves his prophecies after all. ( I actually just want to see him react to nick reading the scroll content to him lol ) also anyone else think Death / Hades is actually Nicolas Flamel? then his wife would be Persephone?


………… that makes to much sense. Doesnt the common stereotype of him in hp fics have him looking like a skeleton? Also nick needs to bring someone with power to his side to help deal with the aftermath of the ritual…… so i agree dumbledoor should probably read the book to at least help prevent as much loss of life as possible

Alexander Semino

We know the world wants certain events to happen, so Dumbledore would confront Fudge, then Fudge does Fudge and instead of contacting the muggle prime minister (like he should for them to prepare) he kickstarts the events which should have happened in the third year and tries to cover things up with the dementors.


Who would the dementors target? Nick? It would be pointless even in fudges eyes since its a fixed point in history. If they target grindawald its like sending sheep to the slaughter. He would either destroy them or tame them

Alexander Semino

Not going after Grindawald, I was thinking more along the lines of Fudge making an under the table deal with one of the Deatheaters in Azkaban to get released (escaped in the public eye) in order to give him an excuse to have the dementors placed around Hogwarts / Nick to pressure him into silence and act like the prophecy doesn't exist. And this being a substitute fill in for a certain rat's role. Plus how would Harry learn to cats the patronus charm if the dementors aren't present? (I didn't think of having someone escape until you mentioned it btw)


The perfect substitute would be bellatrix. Fanatically loyal powerful and would search for her master….


Something i just realized the the butterfly effect might come full force in the third year and not in a good way. If it goes the same route with a prisoner escaping