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Nick placed most of the segments to the side to work on later before grabbing one of them and using a steel punch to create a hole in the middle of it. He then began to widen the hole while also making sure to round the edges of the ring which in the end left him with a plain iron band that was dull grey and unremarkable. Nick repeated this process with all of the rest of the segments leaving him with ten plain looking iron rings. He quickly checked them for any cracks or faults but after finding none he moved on to the next part of the process.-

Locking the door to the workshop he took a deep breath and began to glow the bright white like normal though this time there was the slightest tinge of gold in the glow , not that anyone realized at that moment. The glow faded somewhat as it became focused entirely on his hand and hammer before he began to strike each of the rings sending a loud hum through the room. Unlike the twins rings these weren't going to be linked together but were rather just being enchanted with the exact same enchantment at the same time.-

This was obviously extremely energy and time intensive however it was less than adding multiple powerful effects to a single ring which was the only reason he attempted it. It took him until around seven hours to complete the forge making him miss dinner entirely. It was around 8:45 when he finished and rather than go to the common room and risk Filch catching him he simply transfigured the floor into a soft cotton giant pillow and went to sleep on it. Steve wasted no time at all cuddling up next to him as well and the night passed peacefully.-

In the Morning Nick yawned and stretched as he stood up off the floor that had returned to normal sometime while he was asleep. He wasn't sore from sleeping on the floor thanks to the fact his body was quite sturdy. Still he made sure to fully work his limbs and back to prevent any hidden cramps from showing up and messing with him. He then grabbed the rings he had simply left on the anvil over night and check them with the system.-

[RING NAME: Ring of protection


Abilities: Autosizing , Sacrificial defense

Description: A plain iron ring created with an inbuilt shield charm that is overpowered in exchange for cost the ring it's on use.

System appraisal: A good single use protective item created by an up and coming ring smith.]

Each of the rings had an appraisal exactly like this with no differences at all which proved that Nick had succeeded in creating a mass produced product. Obviously ten at a time would prove to be insufficient in the face of the around one hundred students in the castle who regularly use or get magic used on them. In fact Nick will need a stockpile of about double or triple that amount for what he had in mind. Still there was an up coming holiday and the free time after classes to make more and more of the rings.-

If he made ten more rings everyday then it would take around twenty days for him to stockpile two hundred of the things. 'Obviously not everyone will buy one but I expect at least sixty or so people to place orders and maybe twenty to order more than one ring at once. At ten sickles a piece that's about thirty six galleons roughly.' Nick thought seriously. He knew that he wasn't doing this for money but the low amount of profit for his effort stung a bit. 'It'll pay off in the end , probably.' he thought hopefully as he left the workshop with Steve to start his day with breakfast.-

"Where'd you go yesterday Nick?" Harry asked curiously when he sat down next to Nick. "Got caught up in a project of mine and lost track of time , slept in the workshop with Steve here." Nick said casually while handing the Niffler in question a sausage which it greedily devoured. Contrary to what it's cute appearance may lead one to believe Nifflers were omnivores and ate pretty much anything except mint which they hated for some reason. Hermione looked a bit jealous at the interaction but kept it to her self minus a small pout.-

Ron joked about how Steve was the perfect pet for Nick as it was just as much of a glutton as he was. Nick laughed at this and merely stated that he was bulking up but none of them had any idea what he meant so the joke fell flat. After breakfast it was potions class and Steve needed to make himself scarce during that time as Snape didn't find it amusing at all when the niffler stole a silver sickle from Malfoy last time and got caught. Nick didn't get detentions but did lose Gryffindor thirty points and had to let Steve spend a day as the man's guinee pig , Steve refused to go anywhere near Snape's class after that.



Steal from Malfoy? That deserves a treat from everyone!!! Thx for the two chapters :3


Ron of all people talking about someone being a glutton