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For the first time in a very long time Dumbledore was left at a loss as to what to do with the situation he found himself in. 'Of all the bloodlines to posses it had to be one of those.' He thought with a sigh as he felt a headache forming. Had Nick been a normal and uninteresting student this discovery wouldn't have mattered much to Dumbledore as he had taught at least four people with the blood of the founders in his time at Hogwarts. The problem came into factor from four crucial details about Nick.-

The first was that the boy was monstrously talented to the point it may not be considered an exaggeration to say he is the second coming of his ancestor. In the short span of two months and a week since Nick was formally exposed to magic he had grown by leaps and bounds. Not only did he obtain an absolutely unique wand but had started to shift in terms of presence and appearance. It was so small that no one else seemed to notice it save perhaps the sudden change in eye color. Dumbledore was willing to admit he had also almost missed it had the boy not approached the professors long table recently.-

The second problem was because the boy had created a method to forge and enchant rings without any teaching or understanding about the significance about what he had done. Such a clear and concise level of potential in that art was concerning to say the least. It was one of the reasons Dumbledore was thankful that his old student Tom had thoroughly alienated the boy from him. The two of them actually joining forces would probably result in a terrible outcome for the world.-

Nick was odd from a personality aspect as well to Dumbledore as he was warm , cold , friendly , dismissive , proud and secretive all at the same time. 'It was no wonder the sorting took so long , the boy is perfect for every house.' the old man thought with a chuckle. Dumbledore had noticed Nick slowly distancing himself from his friends but considering that he also preferred to spend his time working or studying Dumbledore didn't consider it odd. The fear the boy showed towards him was rather extreme however which was what had prompted Dumbledore to this action since he assumed that fear may vanish if he acquired some political backing.-

This brought up the third problem for this turn of events , the boy is bound to figure out what happened here. Nick had proven himself far to clever not to piece together the pieces of the puzzle and realize that he had his blood taken and used without his consent by Dumbledore. This was very bad because if nothing else he had shown himself to be vengeful and so Dumbledore had alienated the boy entirely with this action. It was ironic how both he and Tom wanted to bring the boy to their side but had only pushed him away from both.-

Tomorrow morning when the owls come to deliver mail Nick was definitely going to receive a package from the Gringotts goblins. Dumbledore can already foresee the scene as the boy has a look of confusion before his eyes snap angrily towards himself as he figures it out. It would come as no surprise at all to Dumbledore if Nick were to thoroughly denounce him in front of the entire school and was prepared to apologize. The worse case however was if the boy were to bottle up his anger and act as if nothing happened.-

The old man knew that in that particular case he may need to keep an eye out for vengeful acts against him from the shadows. The fourth and final problem was rather minor but also extremely important as well. The fact that Nick was descended from Ravenclaw should be impossible because the only known child of Rowena Ravenclaw was the grey lady who died and became a ghost before having any children of her own. This lead Dumbledore to a rather terrifying possibility , the Hogwarts founder had another child in secret and that childs line had been moving through the shadows of history undetected.-

This meant that by publicly exposing Nick in this way he had suddenly brought what may be a line of hidden wizards to the public forefront. The amount attention this will bring to Nick is undoubtedly going to raise the boys anger to a terrifying level. Sure Nick may benefit greatly from the sudden lordship but Dumbledore was aware of the boys aversion to the idea of relying on his heritage to succeed. None of this even considered how the grey lady herself may react to this news which is a subject Dumbledore was dreading to think about.


Francisco Jimenez

Well first thing he needs to do Boe his head and apologize and offer some of his lemon drops :/ and half his sweets collection

Alexander Semino

thanks for the chapter wouldn't it have been possible that Rowena had a sibling of her own? And that would confuse the test? Or maybe the second child was a squib and thus disowned?