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In the end leon and ghira settled a deal were a branch of the titan corp would open on menagerie in order to improve the faunus's quality of life there. another thing that happened during this time was that leon and glenda discovered the gender of the child to be female. for leon this didn't change anything but for glenda it made her relieved that she would be able to relate at least a little with her daughter. both of them knew that the child was definitely going to have leons eyes but beyond that they had no clue what mix of traits the child would have from each of them.

The best guess they had was the gene projection leon created after using a machine to create several possible outcomes. an interesting thing that each of these possibilities had in common was that they each had at least one of leons faunus features whether it was the tail , horns or wings each one had at least one of them. another similar feature between all of them was that the child was going to be gorgeous because as it turned out mixing the genes of two attractive people made another , who knew.

It was quiet beyond that however minus the stories of chaos that leon got from other parts of the world such as the small scale battle that had taken place at the vacuo academy. there was also the mass exodus of the faunus from the mining sites of the schnee dust company. the treatment of the workers there had improved thanks to leons deal with jacques schnee but the attitudes of the people working for the company had not so the faunus collectively left. this was understandably cataclysmically bad for the schnee dust company that was suddenly unable to meet it's quotas.

Jacques schnee had built the company up to it's current point on the back of faunus labor as his foundation so now that they were gone he was left with a highly unstable footing. this wasn't all negative however as this allowed nicholas schnee to take over the company as his father retired in the face of this situation. nicholas schnee was extremely smart even by leons standards and it showed as he downsized the company while forcing it through a complete overhaul. it was a painful transition for everyone involved but leon knew that the schnee company would come out better than ever afterwards.

The menagerie branch of the titan corp showed it's use during this time as it provided work for the now jobless influx of faunus from the schnee company. as an added bonus this also gave the economy of menagerie a massive improvement as the quality of life started to skyrocket from the sudden inflow of currency. this honestly wouldn't have been so easy if the entire world didn't run off of the same currency , lien. without conflicting currencies there was no need to covert the money into another form at a loss meaning that it was as though millions of dollars were suddenly getting sent to a small backwater country.

To a wealthy country this wasn't anything to even care about but for a poor and struggling country like menagerie it was game changing. the cherry on top was that leon had even created an education center in that branch of the titan corp that was completely free and didn't scorn the older people who didn't have access to proper education growing up. public education ensured that the few diamonds that existed in the populace were uncovered and polished to a high shine.

Leon didn't expect to see ten year old genius's or anything like that but the number of scientist , doctors and engineers was bound to explode from this point on. sienna khan was left with a bittersweet taste in her mouth however at these changes since she could tell that over time the white fang would simply no longer be needed and would dissolve over time. while this was a good thing for the faunus it still hurt to see an organization you put your heart and soul into slowly fade away.


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