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Unfortunately alex learned that while it seemed the system he had didn't actually have limits as he grew more and more the requirements to go further would also increase proportionally. The requirement to grow once again had increased to fifty traits or trait levels , which was five higher than the first two growths. If this was the start of a pattern then Alex knew he would quickly find himself struggling to grow larger. During the last two weeks Alex had discovered that he had actually been underutilizing the system with only getting a single trait from the things he consumed or were exposed to.

To be fair Alex had taken the one trait per thing minus special circumstances rule as a fact but in truth the system only gave him the most useful trait in it's own opinion. Did this mean the other traits weren't useful , not at all. Alex figured this out on accident and felt like an idiot when he ate something he had previously gotten a trait from while willing the system to give him another trait. As a result Alex generated the [Enhanced lifespan] trait from eating a cicada which would effectively extend his life span from the fifteen max years of a leopard gecko to around the same as a wyverians three hundred and fifty year life span.

Keep in mind that despite all the changes he has made Alex's base species was indeed a black leopard gecko so he obviously had the same lifespan. The requirement for the trait however was a pain to accomplish , literally. The requirement for the trait was the most unique one to date as he needed to rip his own chest open before pouring an entire cup of a specific recipe that the system told him directly onto his heart.

This recipe felt vaguely like some sort of magic potion with it's ingredients , twenty cicadas crushed into paste , ten flow fern leaves dried and powdered , ten blaze roots dried and powdered , a cup of water taken directly from the mouth of a waterfall and two cups of the blood of the recipient. The ingredients were to be mixed and boiled under a full moon until the liquid turned purple. That is some freaky sounding stuff as far as Alex was concerned but the system was the source of the recipe so he ignored the downright mystical feel it had.

This had been the first time Alex had received something from the system besides the starting gift so he assumed that there was something special involved. He was correct as well as what neither he nor anyone else currently alive knew was that this recipe was actually created by the progenitor of the wyverian race with a single change. In the original recipe used by the progenitor the water from a waterfall was actually the blood of an elder dragon he had witnessed dying of old age. This was what had given his descendants both their lifespans and their inhuman features.

If any members of the wyverian race were to come into contact with a member of that elder dragons species they would be able to feel a sort of kinship with them. Unfortunately that species had died out long ago thanks to the efforts of another elder dragon that zealously hunted them all down leaving none left. Alex's recipe however didn't create ties to another species but rather directly elevated his own life level to the same point of a wyverians thanks to him having an inhuman starting point.

The reason the progenitor of the wyverian race had to use the blood of a higher species was because a humans body is incredibly sensitive and not very durable unlike alex's so he needed to use a gentler method of elevation. Most of the other inhuman races ancestors had done similar things with the exception of the lynians that had simply evolved to their current level naturally. The biggest problems Alex faced were his stalker , Roya and the fact he needed to be able to recover after literally ripping his chest open. As a result Alex needed to post pone getting that trait unlocked until he unlocked the [accelerated healing] trait.


NAME: Alex/Obsidian


AGE: 2 months , 3 weeks

Generated traits: Dense muscles , Enhanced ears , Accelerated healing , Enhanced life span

Unlocked traits: Herbivore level 1 , Enhanced scales level 2 , Water breathing level max , Heat resistance level 5(max) ,Compact stomach level 2 , Swimming muscles level 1 , Amphibious eyes level 1 , Bone eater level 1 , poison eater level 1 , poison resistance level 1 , Additional limbs: wings level 3 , Fire resistance level 1 , armored scales level 1 , Paralysis resistance level 1

Fused traits: Omnivore level 2

Discovered traits: Carnivore level 1 , Ridged feet level max , Weaponized tail level 1 , night vision level 1 , Sharp claws level 1 , Enhanced brain , Shadow camouflaging


my patrons can read an extra two chapters ahead along with using the site as a way to directly contact myself rather than needing to hope i respond to your comments.

pa treon.com/user?u=81578854


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