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[Paralysis resistance] was gained when Alex ate the bright yellow and blue toad found in the center of the area much to the admirals horror. Had it not been for the level 2 [omnivore] trait making any organic thing safe to eat Alex would have been in for a bad time which he was aware of. [Enhanced ears] however came from the pilot hares that could be found around in the underbrush. they were odd creatures that looked to be a mix between a rabbit and a ferret as they had long narrow bodies with long rabbit ears and hind legs as well as a fluffy long tail.

Despite being debatably cute Alex still mercilessly killed and ate one gaining the trait for his cruelty. The requirements for these two traits were to eat twenty five paralytic things and twenty five pilot hares respectively making them easy to accomplish for Alex. The trip back to astera was uneventful save the small pack of three jagras that thought it a good idea to try and eat Alex in front of the admiral who took exception to that and killed one before killing the other two with the first corpse.

'And I thought I was the monster here.' Alex thought after the admiral was done with his one sided massacre. The returning ship brought news from the guild the next day that the fifth fleets recruitment was finished and that in exactly one month they would set sail with the migration of zorah magdaros. For Alex this meant he had around two months to prepare for the events of the game and all the chaos involved there. Thankfully Alex was pretty close to growing once again and he was sure he would at least be close to growing again after that by the time zorah arrived with the fifth fleet.

This wasn't the most important piece of news as far as Alex was concerned however as the guild sent an actual person over temporarily in order to evaluate him. It was a human scholar with short brown hair and dark skin that was crisscrossed with white scars. From that sentence one would immediately picture a man in their head but in truth it was a woman with one green eye and one blue eye and a calm temperament. This woman , Roya , was one of the few scholars who studied monsters in their natural habitat and was extremely renowned for her extensive knowledge in all things monster.

Apparently the guild was having a headache over what to do about Alex as the only thing they could agree on was to try and use him for the benefit of people. Roya had eagerly volunteered to come to the new world in order to study Alex in depth so the guild could make an educated decision at the very least. This suggestion was approved since there was no downsides to it and in fact several upsides such as an expert opinion on this strange new elder that had popped up.

"And that's where we stand currently , any questions?" the fleet commander asked after going over everything at the meeting. Normally only the heads of each of the groups in astera showed up for this but due to Alex's unique situation he was there as well as the "monster" faction's head. Alex waved his front claw to show that he had something to say which the fleet commander caught. "go ahead" he said calmly. Alex grabbed the thick stick of writing coal that had been made for him since charades was a pain to translate and began to write.

"We need to discuss boundaries for this research." the messy sentence read on Alex's paper. The fleet commander read it out loud and the other heads nodded in agreement that this was a reasonable concern. "What did you have in mind?" he asked seriously. "don't pull off samples of my body or mess with my privates. besides that I don't want to get woken up at random on a whim and want to be left alone at night when I sleep." Alex scrawled out on the same paper. "These restrictions are perfectly undertakable so I will see to it you don't need to worry about them." the fleet commander reassured alex .


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