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The grim were an odd bunch of creatures who didn't act in the same way any other animal did as far as aging was concerned. most creatures reach maturity and then barring a few exceptions , stop growing. the grim completely ignore this as a whole and instead grow larger and more powerful as time goes one and even more unfairly is that they are biologically immortal. they don't "age" as it were at all meaning if the right circumstances are met they can grow without limit. not all grim are born equal either as some are born much more powerful than others.

Wyverns are one such type of grim capable of spewing fire and generally being much stronger physically than other grim at birth. the approaching wyvern was both a superior grim and an extremely old one making this fight even harder for leon. the only saving grace was that unlike most grim that grow old by slowly surviving many fights with people this one had hibernated to reach this point making it fairly inexperienced combat wise. this showed when leon and genesis arrived in it's path before leon activated rakurai and slammed into it's face at mach four disorienting it.

Not injuring the beast , only making it slightly dizzy showing it's sturdiness. "this is going to be a pain in the ass." leon said after regenerating from splattering himself on the wyverns face. genesis was just as stoic about this problem as he could feel the power coming from this grim. "distract it while i try and clip it's wings!" leon yelled out to his partner who accelerated towards the beast face. unlike leons speed that was beyond the wyverns ability to react to genesis was still within the reaction speed of it as shown when it opened it's jaws to spew flame at him.

Genesis barrel rolled to the left barely dodging the thick building sized stream of yellow flame that left him uncomfortably warm just from the residual heat. the wyvern began to hover in place rather than continue it's flight towards the city which was leons plan to begin with. while leon and genesis were keeping the ancient wyvern occupied the forces of vale had marshalled at the wall to repel the approaching hoard. "i'm worried about him yang." ruby said as they all waited for the hoard to approach with their familiars.

"Me too rube me too , but we have to believe he knows what he's doing. you saw how he held back the entire hoard for three minutes by himself after all." yang said trying to sound reassuring but her own concern was clearly visible. she may have accepted that he wouldn't ever be hers but that didn't mean they weren't as close as siblings besides that. they had grown up together and leon had always been a firm guardian of both of them so it would have been stranger if they weren't close.

Nova , rubies familiar was not even a little concerned about leon or genesis since she was more aware than her partner of the power they kept concealed behind their lazy personas. the rest of the familiars were the same which confused their partners who were nervous about the fight leon was in. meanwhile cinder was taking advantage of lack of people in beacon to make her way to the place she felt the other part of the maiden power. she wasn't even surprised to learn that it was coming from under the clocktower that had ozpin's office at the top of , salem had told her that doing things like that was a bad habit of ozpins after all.

Cinder's experience as a criminal made finding the hidden panel with the button to the secret location under ground easy. the trip down was fairly long showing just how deep the shaft went in the earth. when she arrived and the elevator doors opened she saw the scene of ozpin and ironwood trying to transfer the rest of the maiden powers to another girl. a quick flex of her own incomplete powers speared both the maiden and the other girl killing them and sending the fall maidens complete power into her.


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